Analysis on the present situation and countermeasures of oral English teaching in private colleges

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  【Abstract】The current situation of oral English teaching in private colleges and universities is not optimistic, mainly lacking in teaching objectives, traditional teaching methods, teaching concepts, teaching evaluation and other aspects.The teaching goal of English in college is to “train students to be able to communicate accurately and fluently on the basis of listening, speaking, reading and writing. so how to make the students easily express their wishes, natural to communicate each other, the purpose of teachers’ teaching oral english skills is the key point.
  【Key words】private college; Communication skills; teaching current situation
  1. The introduction
  As China’s economy is increasing, and in international status is more and more important, cultural exchanges and cooperation has become increasingly active.At the same time, the oral english teaching give a higher demand for current.This development trend leads to the rapid development of private colleges, and puts forward more Suggestions and improvements in oral English teaching.
  2. Current situation of oral English teaching in private colleges
  In order to better understand the current situation of college oral English teaching for oral English teaching is weak reason i take three colleges ( jiangxi normal university institute of science and technology, GongQing college of nanchang university, nanchang institute of technology) of non-english major students in grade 2016 and 2017 and the teachers made a questionnaire on the present situation of college oral English teaching.Through the analysis, summary and summary of the investigation and interview, it is found that there are some problems in college oral English as follows:
  2.1 Teaching objectives are unclear
  2.2 Teachers still adopt the traditional teaching method of books and chalks for education
  2.3 Students’ learning goals are not clear
  2.4 Teaching resources are not abundant
  At present, the teaching resources of most universities are still dominated by textbooks.
  2.5 Students has a weak foundation in english
  2.6 teaching methods is lag behind relatively and teaching evaluation is unscientific
  3. Analysis on countermeasures of the current problems of oral English teaching in private universities
  3.1 Add warm-up activities of oral english before class.
  It is a key point to add oral english of warm-up before class inl English teaching.Appropriate create the language environment is also can to improve the students’ correct language learning habit.   3.2 Rationalized curriculum setting.
  The majority of students and teachers believe that it is very necessary to set up oral English courses appropriately.Listening and speaking are the key point to improving English teaching.
  3.3 Improvement of teaching methods.
  The teaching model of speaking enables students to develop in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating.In undergraduate public English teaching, we try to combine oral English teaching with education.This not only completes the teaching task but also enhances the student to study the oral English passion.
  3.4 Create a good language environment and increase cultural input in oral English teaching appropriately.
  In class the teacher should to fusion of Chinese and western culture, and let the students know and understand very well about two different cultures, so that students can better grasp the different national cultural background
  3.5 The evaluation mechanism is diversifiedand training is normalized.
  According to my observation, not all teachers’ oral english expression is standard and fluent.In other words, not each teacher is qualified for oral English teaching.
  4. conclusion
  The ability to speak is a productive ability.It’s based on the constant input and accumulation of knowledge. Oral English which relates to students’ comprehensive knowledge, including cultural elements, pronunciation, intonation, fluency, accuracy, communication habits, thinking habits.Therefore, the core of improving college public English teaching is to help students change their ideas, overcome psychological barriers and establish good learning habits.As a college English teacher, we should set high standards for ourselves. Starting from textbooks, we should study relevant materials, provide students with sufficient information input, and create a good environment both inside and outside the class.
【摘要】针对初中英语阅读教学缺乏阅读能力培养,缺乏主线,层次分明等问题,本人对阅读课的教学过程进行反思,并不断改进、完善的过程,逐步探索有效的阅读教学策略。  【关键词】阅读教学;阅读策略;有效阅读  【作者简介】万婷婷,扬州中学教育集团树人学校初二英语组。  阅读教学是培养学生正确的阅读习惯,帮助学生理解文本,激发学生的学习兴趣、拓宽学生阅读视野的有效方法。指引学生养成正确的阅读习惯,形成高效的
【摘要】留守初中生在英语课堂上消极沉默现象比较普遍,进而影响到英语学习效果。其沉默不仅是一个学习问题,更是一个缺乏父母关爱的情感问题,与家庭教育的缺失以及课外学习资源获得困难也有一定关系。利用现代技术手段建立学生、父母、老师的常态联系可以在一定程度上解决情感问题,同时组建学习团队,提升教学策略也能起着有效作用。  【关键词】留守儿童;初中生;英语教育;学习困境;课堂沉默  【作者简介】李守坤,男,
【摘要】初中英语写作是英语教学过程中比较重要的部分,这是考验学生能够灵活运用英语知识的一个学习模块,也是检验学生英语综合能力的途径。本文就初中英语写作中思维导图的应用进行分析,找出思维导图在英语教学过程中的应用策略,为提升初中英语教师教学质量提供依据,同时为促进初中英语教学提供有利信息。  【关键词】思维导图;初中;英语教学;英语写作  【作者简介】李朝英,甘肃省陇南市武都区旧城山中学。  在英语
【摘要】专门用途英语是高校英语专业讲习中的一个重要门类,在我国高校英语讲习中的地位越来越突出。基于此,各大高校研究学者开始致力于结合先进的教学理念和专门用途英语教学探索一种有针对性的教学模式。这一有针对性的教学模式包括人才培养模式、课程设置等因素,本文同时还将指出这一教学模式对于教师、学生和学校的要求标准,以期为专门用途英语的教学未来教学模式发展沉淀杰出的精华。  【关键词】专门用途英语;教学模式
【摘要】小学英语教材多以单元形式出现,教师应当注重围绕着单元主题进行阅读训练,充分地挖掘出单元教材在阅读能力训练中的重要意义。  【关键词】小学英语;单元整合;阅读教学  【作者简介】刘瑞棉,广东省德庆县教育局教研室。  本文主要探讨小学英语单元整合对阅读教学的意义,总结单元整合中阅读教学的原则与策略。  一、小学英语单元整合对阅读教学的意义  1.有助于优化阅读教学程序。单元整合教学的思维有助于
【摘要】我国教育事业的发展对高中英语教学提出了新的要求,传统的高中英语教学存在较多的问题。如忽视学生学习积极性的培养、教学方式单一等问题制约英语教学的效率提高。要提高高中英语教学质量,就必须让学生养成勤于阅读练习的习惯,将语篇分析的教学方式引入到牛津高中英语阅读教学当中能够在激发学生积极性的基础上提高学生听说读写的能力,进而提高实际教学效率。  【关键词】语篇分析;牛津高中英语;阅读教学;实施要点
前言  在我国不断推行新课程教育体制改革与素质教育的大背景下,小学英语课堂教学的情况引起了国家教育部门的高度重视。传统的教学模式已经不适用于当前小学英语教学的发展,对小学英语课堂的教学环节进行优化已经成为了基础教育发展的必然趋势。新课改政策的落实为小学英语教师开展教学活动提供了更多的思路。本文就优化小学英语课堂各个教学环节的方法展开了一系列的研究。  一、教学内容导入环节  教学内容导入是开展英语
牛津初中英语教材每个单元教学一般分为十个课时,其中的阅读(Reading)则是每一单元的的重要组成部分。Reading部分基本都是以课文形式出现,这部分所选的阅读材料均与学生的学习、生活有一定的联系,内容丰富,题材广泛,体裁多样。本文就如何进行阅读教学阐述如下:  一、確定阅读教学目标  阅读课以培养学生的阅读能力为主要目标,在这一过程中,需要学习和掌握课文内容所涉及的语言知识(词汇,短语,句型,