China’s land collective ownership of realistic thinking prospects

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  【Abstract】China’s rural collective land ownership policy since the founding of the land reform has always been around the “ownership and management” development changes. In the context of agricultural modernization and the integrated development of urban and rural areas, it is necessary to actively explore the forms of collective land ownership, accelerate the confirmation of land ownership and the separation of “ownership, contract and management rights”, maintain agricultural diversity and improve agricultural productivity.
  【key words】 rural land collective ownership; Farmers’ land property rights; Contract right; Rural land circulation
  In China’s agricultural modernization, the form of collective land ownership is still very prominent. In the context of improving agricultural productivity and ensuring food security, how to treat the change of agricultural collective land ownership in China is a very valuable research topic for carrying out large-scale land management and promoting agricultural modernization.
  1. Implementing the confirmation of the right to farm land contracting and management to realize agricultural scale operation
  The relationship between rural collective and peasant household property right is not clear, which leads to the unclear ownership, moreover, the “virtual” subject of property rights often causes the real subject of property rights——farmers to be infringed by some so-called “agents”, and even the “principal-agent” relationship to be inverted, as well as the unfair treatment of the state to farmers in expropriation and compensation of agricultural land. Rural land collective ownership of the joint-stock reform came into being.
  The decision adopted at the third plenary session of the 18th central committee of the communist party of China in November 2013 clearly stipulates that “farmers should be given the right to own shares of collective assets, earnings, paid exit, mortgage, guarantee and inheritance”, which is a new statement in the context of the continuous advancement of agricultural modernization. In this way, while giving play to the basic survival guarantee of farmers, the land increases its operating benefits. The efficiency and free value of collective assets enable farmers to obtain more property income.
  2. Maintain agricultural diversity and realize sustainable agricultural development
  There is no fixed model for ecological civilization, and agricultural modernization should also protect agricultural diversity to promote the transformation from standardized agriculture to multi-functional agriculture. Professor wen tiejun provided us with the idea of developing comprehensive agricultural associations according to local conditions, so as to carry out the systematization and institutional innovation in rural areas and improve the rural social organization of small-scale peasant economic structure. The comprehensive agricultural association is a rural cooperative organization established in accordance with ecological civilization, which reflects the modern development direction of the diversification of rural land property rights and ensures the income of farmers. It also avoids the capital to the countryside for the benefit of industrial and commercial capital to grab the benefits of agricultural industrialization, ensuring food security.
  Of course, only progressive system modification can help reduce the cost of the whole system reform, and the reform of rural collective land ownership form still needs a process of exploration. It is necessary for us to make unremitting efforts in the practice of agricultural modernization to rationalize the property right relationship of rural land, innovate new agricultural operation subjects and organizations, and guarantee farmers’ land income and food security.
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  [2]Luo Biliang. Property right intensity, land transfer and protection of farmers’ rights and interests[M]. Economic science press,2013.
3月28日,外交部部长助理陈晓东、中国—东盟中心秘书长陈德海等嘉宾出席亚洲区域合作组织圆桌会议。  3月28日,亚洲区域合作组织圆桌会在博鳌亚洲论坛2019年年会期间举行。中国外交部部长助理陈晓东出席并发表主旨讲话。中国—东盟中心秘书长陈德海与东盟副秘书长阿拉丁、南亚区域合作联盟秘书长阿姆贾德、中日韩合作秘书处秘书长李钟宪、亚洲合作对话秘书处秘书长班迪、上海合作组织副秘书长阿科什卡罗夫等国际组织负
【摘要】“课程思政”是“立德树人”根本任务在课程教学中的具体呈现,是一项长期的、不断探索建构的系统工程。本文以英语专业课程《综合商务英语》为典型案例加以分析,重点解读如何利用线上教学优势,挖掘教学过程中的育人元素,并围绕培养定位,探寻专业课程内容中蕴含的思想政治教育资源,以润物无声的方式满足学生成长发展的需求和期待。  【关键词】课程思政;线上教学;专业英语  【作者简介】邓微(1976.07-)
【摘要】阅读是初中英语的重要环节,良好的英语阅读习惯是奠定学生终身学习的基础。为了让学生形成良好的阅读习惯,教师要着重学生英语核心素养的培养。本文从培养学生英语核心素养入手,阐述初中英语教学的有效策略,希望可以提高学生整体的英语阅读水平。  【关键词】核心素养;初中英语;阅读教学  【作者简介】吕娟红,甘肃省定西市通渭县第三铺中学。  引言  在初中英语阅读教学中培养学生的学科核心素养,主要包括以
【摘要】新课程改革的推进,英语核心素养培养成为初中英语教学的重要内容。英语核心素养主要有语言能力、思维品质、学习能力和文化意识四个层面的内容。加强学生核心素养培养,为英语课堂活动指明方向,提高学生英语表达能力,培养学生多元化英语思维,形成良好的文化品质。因此,作为初中英语教师,应当根据课堂教学内容,创新课堂教学模式,有效渗透核心素养培养。文章中结合初中英语教学,提出几点核心素养培养策略。  【关键
【摘要】听与读是学好一门语言的关键,因此高中生如何提高英语学习中的听读能力是亟需解决的一个问题。本文即从当代高中生在英语听读方面存在的问题出发,探究听读在高中英语学习中的重要性,进一步分析提高高中生在英语学习中的听读能力的途径与方法。  【关键词】高中生;英语;听读能力  【作者简介】杨潇,绵阳中学实验学校。  一、听读学习对于高中英语学习的重要性  掌握良好的听读能力不仅可以促进高中生日常应用英
【摘要】文体分析是一种传统的语言分析手段,通常涉及语音、书写、词汇、语法、篇章结构等层面。本文重点探讨了这五个层面所各自涉及的要素以及他们在大学英语教学中的实际运用,强调了在当今的大学英语教学中要加以合理灵活的运用,而非填鸭式的传授方式。  【关键词】文体学;文体分析;得体性  【作者简介】杨恩华(1979-),女,汉族,山西临汾人,山东科技大学外国语学院,讲师,硕士,研究方向:外国语言学与应用语
【摘要】英语课程是小学基础教育课程的重要构成部分。在英语教学培养学生的核心素养,是促进学生个体全面成长的必然需要,也是基础教育发展的必然要求。基于核心素养培养视角下研究小学英语教学的相关问题,对提升学生的英语文化品格、英语学习能力以及语言的运用能力等具有重要的现实意义。本文中将在对核心素养的基本内涵进行简要阐述的基础上,重点围绕基于学生核心素养培养的小学英语教学策略进行研究和探索。  【关键词】小
【摘要】英语作为目前的世界通用语言,是中国用来与世界对话的工具,而且在很多情况下英语也是检验人才的一个标准。此外,现在需要的人才不同于过去能掌握简单的、书面化、程序化的英语,而是要具有立体化、多元化的英语能力。教师要将过去的教学理念作出改变,根据每个学生的不同,制订新型教学方式。  【关键词】英语;多元;新式教学  【作者简介】许亚容,福建省泉州市安溪县第五小学。  【基金项目】本文系教育部福建师