
来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aiwo2516
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  【Abstract】Extracurricular reading as an extension of the junior middle school English teaching process,which can broaden the students’ horizons.In this dissertation,the influencing factors of the junior high school students’ extracurricular reading are described.According to these factors,corresponding improving measures are put forward to improve the level of learning English through English extracurricular reading.
  【Key words】English; extracurricular reading; the influencing factors
  With the development of the New Curriculum Standard,its requirements to the junior high school students English reading capacity is higher and higher.On the basis of The English Curriculum Standards of Compulsory Education(2011 edition),extensive reading ability for junior middle school students should be 150,000 words within three years.So in order to know clearly about the the influencing factors of the junior high school students’ extracurricular reading,I make a research.
  This research investigated the students from a key junior school in Changchun city,Jilin province.I randomly selected some students from different grades,a total of 150 students.The result of the investigation.
  There is a significant positive relationship among emotional attitude,habit,encountering difficulties,strategies and material selection(remotional attitude-habit =0.530,p<0.05; remotional attitude-encountering difficulties=0.431,p<0.05; remotional attitude-strategies =0.582,p<0.05; remotional attitude-material selection =0.649,p<0.05; rhabit-encountering difficulties=0.538, p<0.05; rhabit-strategies =0.596,p<0.05; rhabit-material selection=0.441,p<0.05; rencountering difficulties- strategies=0.346,p<0.05; rencountering difficulties- material selection=0.294,p<0.05; rstategies- material selection=0.402,p<0.05.In the investigation,36.67% students think emotional attitude is lack of extracurricular reading,30% students hold that the habit of extracurricular reading is inefficient,18.67% students consider that the difficulties of extracurricular reading result in losing interest,9.33% students regard the strategies of extracurricular reading as influencing factors,only 5.33% think the material selection influences extracurricular reading)
  According to the results of the investigation,I give some suggestions about how to improve the students ability of the extracurricular reading.Teachers should tell students the importance of extracurricular reading.Only do students think extracurricular reading is enormously helpful to enhance their reading ability,then they will actively devote to the extracurricular reading activity.So teachers should assist their students realize the value of extracurricular reading.Helping students to form good habits of extracurricular reading,good habits can improve the ability of understanding of any materials.What.s more,cultivating good habits can make students persist in carrying on the extracurricular reading.Besides,teachers should select some materials in accordance with the students. ability.If the materials beyond the ability of students,they will give up easily.In addition,teachers should teach students some reading strategies.To improve students.reading speed and reading efficiency,selecting appropriate reading strategies is important.And acquire a knowledge of reading strategies is a precondition of forming reading strategies,thus,the teacher should teach students the reading strategies related to the extracurricular reading,guiding the students develop their reading strategies which can be used effectively in the process of the extracurricular reading.
【Abstract】With the advent of economic globalization, contact of the world economy is close increasingly. Multinational management promotes economic growth and prosperity. But differences on politics a
【摘要】汉语和英语是两种不同的语言体系,因此在语言结构和遣词造句方面差异甚大。同时,在旅游文本的写作方面,汉语重语言的华丽和言辞的渲染,而英语通常以简单朴实的语言给读者直观明确的印象。本文以上海世博会展馆的英译为例,探讨了汉英旅游文本的不同之处。  【关键词】旅游文本 世博会 展馆英译 对比分析  英语和汉语之间不但在遣词造句方面具有不同的特点,而且在文本类型和篇章结构上也存有差异,是将原文的文本
【摘要】 本文通过介绍《大学实用英语视听说教程》,应用型本科院校学生的听力水平及影响学生听力理解的因素,简述通过该教材如何来提高学生的四、六级听力的应用能力。  【关键词】应用型本科 四、六级听力 应用能力  一、引言  在全国大学英语四、六级考试中,听力作为英语学习五项技能之首,在新题型中所占比重和难度都有所增加。大学英语四、六级考试总分为710分,听力占35%,折算下来听力的总分为248.5,
【摘要】牛津高中英语译林版教材每一单元Reading部分的设计中都针对其文章的体裁、题材,安排一种针对性的阅读策略(Reading strategy)。然而,日常阅读课教学中,此部分的教学往往被忽视。如何在日常阅读课教学中渗透针对性阅读策略,是需要探究的问题。本文通过对M3Unit2 Reading——English and its history阅读策略的解析与运用,对此做了积极的尝试。  【关
【摘要】本文借助大学英语分层教学改革这一平台尝试反思性教学,探讨高校外语教师的团队建设。探索教师如何通过教师本人的职业学习、教学实践反思以及与他人的集体合作学习等获得专业成长。  【关键词】团队建设 大学英语分层教学 反思性教学  一、外语教师团队基本现状  有调查表明,在高校,目前56.6%的教师有职业倦怠的状况。因为这种状况,他们中的多数人均已失去了进一步发展的热情、动力和可能。对于外语教师来
【摘要】一种语言的学习,常常要从大量的词汇记忆开始的。那么作为初中生而言,英语学习的最主要的拦路虎就是英语单词。那么,如何行之有效而有趣地记忆英语单词,是一线教师需要思考并认真备课的关键。英语词汇记忆有许多行之有效的方法,而对于初中生而言,英文歌曲的学唱有助于刺激学生对英语学习的热忱,激发他们对英语单词记忆的积极性。  【关键词】英语词汇 英文歌曲 课堂教学  作为一线教师,尤其是担任班级普遍英语
一、国内外研究现状述评及研究意义  20世纪科学发展史上最为重要的事件之一,可以认为是认知科学的出现,这一过程甚至被称为“认知革命”。作为认知科学的主要分支,产生于80年代末90年代初的认知语言学在短短的十几年内即得到了日趋广泛的关注和普遍认同,成为21世纪最有前景的语言学科。认知语言学把语言看作组织、加工和传递信息的工具和人的一种认知能力,致力于解释(而非描写)语言与现实的关系,构建知识结构并阐
【摘要】传统翻译理论中译者一直处于一种“隐形”的状态,随着功能翻译及“文化转向”的提出,译者的主体性逐渐得到了应有的重视及认可。本文通过对林语堂英译的《浮生六记》进行分析研究,旨在从文本选择,翻译策略,翻译目的几个方面入手,研究文学作品翻译中译者主体性的彰显。  【关键词】译者主体性 文学翻译《浮生六记》  【Abstract】In traditional translation studies,