电子信息产业是当今最具活力的领域。技术发展迅速,市场竞争激烈自不必说,信息技术对企业管理方面产生的深刻影响也在 IT 企业中得到了充分的体现,在某种程度上,IT 经理人们也在成为企业面向信息时代变革的先锋派。他们在并非成熟的市场经济环境下开始了跨向新时代的管理实践探索。计算机硬件企业面临的巨大压力是产品更新换代速度极快,以 PC为例,从显示器、主板、CPU 到硬盘、CD-ROM、软驱、健盘,所有零部件价格下降之快令人咂舌,所以,成本控制是制胜法宝。这对于 PC 整机制造企业提出了严重的考验:如何控制库存?如何掌握采购数量和
The electronic information industry is the most dynamic area today. With rapid technological development and intense market competition, it goes without saying that the profound impact of information technology on enterprise management has also been fully reflected in IT companies. To a certain extent, IT managers are also becoming enterprises in the information age. Avant-garde. They have begun to explore the practice of management in a new era in the context of a non-mature market economy. Computer hardware companies are facing tremendous pressure for rapid product replacement. Taking PCs as an example, the prices of all parts and components have dropped dramatically from monitors, motherboards, CPUs to hard disks, CD-ROMs, floppy drives, and health disks. Therefore, cost control is a magic weapon. This poses a serious test for PC makers: how to control inventory and how to control the number of purchases