一、正确处理思想教育和物理知识教学的关系: 紧密结合物理知识教学,对学生进行辨证唯物主义教育,是物理教学的基本原则之一。过去,我们是有过教训的。五八年有过这样的事:教师上课,首先向“战士”(学生)进行“战斗动员”说:“这一堂的战斗任务是炮打艾森豪威尔”。接着就说:“下面我们讲x+y”,以致传为笑话。事实说明,离开学科知识教学,形式主义的,牵强附会的进行“思想教育”就收不到好效果的。吸取过去的教训,后来做得好一些。例如在讲导体中电流的形成时,注意引导学生分析导体中形成电流
First, the correct handling of the relationship between ideological education and teaching of physical knowledge: Closely integrated with the teaching of physical knowledge, students dialectical materialist education is one of the basic principles of physical education. In the past, we learned something. In the past five or eight years, there have been such things as the teacher class, first of all conducting a “combat mobilization” to “warriors” (students): “The battle for this one is to shoot Eisenhower.” Then said: “Below we say x + y”, so that as a joke. Facts have shown that, leaving the subject knowledge teaching, formalism, far-fetched to carry out “ideological education” will not receive good results. Draw lessons from the past and do a better job later. For example, in the formation of a current in a conductor, care is taken to guide the student in analyzing the current flow in the conductor