外国远程教育巨头正在涌向中国,其速度和急迫的态势超乎人们想象。 2003年,在广州举办的英国教育展上,有三四十个英国名牌和非名牌教学机构进入中国,令观展的业内人士普遍吃了一惊。而最近的例子在今年4月17日,主要开发和经营“未来电脑”技术的中外合资企业IDV中国公司落户北京崇文区,与其携手而来的,是加拿大远程教育投资集团的巨额投资。本刊记者调查的结果,是此类案例不胜枚举。 中国网络教育,从诞生之日起,就在世界的注视中摸索前行。短短四五年发展历史中,它自发裂变出远程学历教育,远程职业培训、企业E-learning三大族群,并各自发展成势。初步攒
Foreign distance education giants are flocking to China, its speed and urgency beyond the imagination. In 2003, at the British Education Exhibition held in Guangzhou, there were thirty or forty famous and non-brand-name English teaching institutions entering China, which astonished the audience in the exhibition. As of April 17 this year, IDV China, a Sino-foreign joint venture that mainly develops and operates “Future Computer” technology, is located in Chongwen District, Beijing. Instead of joining hands with it, it is a huge investment by the Canadian distance education investment group. The reporter’s investigation of the results is that such cases are numerous. China’s online education, from the date of birth, groping in the eyes of the world. In its short history of four or five years, it spontaneously fissioned its long-distance academic education, long-distance vocational training and three major groups of enterprise E-learning, and each developed into a potential. Initial save