In 2000, the 98-year-old Leni Hanfangstal published an album titled “Five-Life” to depict her legendary, wonderful and honorable life in pictures. In 1902, Leni was born in Berlin, a rich and conservative family. Old-fashioned authoritarian father is the head of the family, with absolute authority, the mother is a gentle, open knowledge of women, had dreams of an actor early years, but unfortunately failed to do so, the hope placed on her daughter. It can be said that Lenny’s stubborn character comes from his father, and his life’s dedication and passion for art inherit the mother’s gene without doubt. In her mother’s training, Leni gradually grew into a lively and active, interested children. At the age of 17, Lenny became hooked on the dance and persuaded her mother to enter a large-scale dance school. Clever Leni learning to work very hard and improve God