我县共有9家预算内工业企业。从1989年起,银根紧缩,市场疲软,企业面临严峻挑战,生产经营出现曲折,效益逐渐滑入低谷,1989年和1990年相继出现亏损,1990年盈亏两抵后净亏114.5万元。1991年一季度,又新增3家亏损企业。 4月份以来,我们一方面继续深化对抓好预内工业的认识,注重从领导力量上向预内工业倾斜;另一方面加强调查研究,及时调整决策,实行分类指导,逐户解决问题。到6月底止,预内工业生产经营形势开始好转: (1)
My county a total of 9 budget industrial enterprises. Since 1989, the monetary tightening and the weakening of the market have brought about severe challenges to the enterprises. The production and operation have suffered twists and turns and their profits have gradually slipped into the downturn. In 1989 and 1990, they successively suffered losses. In 1990, their net profits and losses were offset by a net loss of 1,145,000 yuan. In the first quarter of 1991, another three loss-making enterprises were added. Since April, we have continued to deepen our understanding of doing a good job in pre-industrialization while focusing on leaning forward the pre-pillar industries from the leadership. On the other hand, we have stepped up investigations and studies, adjusted our policies in a timely manner, implemented classified guidance and solved problems one by one. By the end of June, the pre-industrial production and operation situation began to improve: (1)