竞争力说的是我们的企业在什么样的情况下解决独特的问题.这些独特问题是别人不可能模仿也不可能复制的,只有解决了这些独特问题,企业才能生存发展。我们的企业到底应该怎么办?究竟什么是中国企业的竞争优势? 企业要有互补性的知识。通常,说起竞争优势,企业经营者认为人才是关键,这个观点只有在一个情况下是对的——人才是不流动的,这样你聚集了优秀人才可以跟别人竞争。如果人才流动的话,这个观点就不对了。为什么说人才不是一个企业竞争的优势?因为你能拿到的人才别人也能拿到,问题是谁能付得起价码。这确确实实依赖于你本身有没有更好的把不同人才放到一起产生更高价值的机制。
Competitiveness is the question of what kind of situation our company solves unique problems. These unique problems are impossible or impossible for others to copy. Only by solving these unique problems can companies survive and develop. What exactly should our company do? What exactly is the competitive advantage of Chinese companies? Companies need complementary knowledge. In general, when it comes to competitive advantage, business operators think that talent is the key. This view is only true in one situation. Talent is not flowing, so that you can gather talented people to compete with others. If talent flows, this view is wrong. Why is it that talent is not an enterprise’s competitive advantage? Because the talent you can get is also available to others. The problem is who can afford it. This really depends on whether you have better put different talents together to generate higher value.