“Tao Te Ching” is a philosophical work on which Lao Zi of Zhou Dynasty taught more than 2,500 years ago that people must abide by moral principles. The purpose of this paper is to explore specific examples of how the “Tao Te Ching” relates to philosophy. The philosophy of the world in appraising Lao Tzu and the ancient Greek philosophy together constitute the two sources in the history of mankind. Advocating the atmosphere of being inhuman, unspeakable, and desiring, and keeping a watchful eye and an indisputable sea, educating people to follow the atmosphere of nature learning naturally and with less selfish desires and indulgence in the sea can not be conquered by the sea. “Moral Scriptures” Chapter 81, Chapter chapter around “unity of knowledge and practice” approach to teaching people how to comply with ethical standards. This article discusses the philosophy of Lao Tze and Huang Lao Zhi and the philosophy of Lao Tzu and Zhuang Zhuang.