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党中央、国务院历来高度重视就业再就业工作。尤其是十六大以来,我国就业再就业工作不断取得新的进展,就业总量稳步增长,就业形势保持基本稳定,就业人口受益多多,实现了经济发展与扩大就业的良性互动。党的十七大对“实施扩大就业的发展战略,促进以创业带动就业”作出了部署,为进一步做好就业再就业工作指明了方向。2008年1月1日起实施的《中华人民共和国就业促进法》,为促进就业提供了有力的法律保障。本期专题反映了各级财政部门如何把就业放在更加重要的位置,积极落实促进就业的财政、税收政策,最终实现“社会就业比较充分”的目标,敬请垂注。 The Central Party Committee and the State Council have always attached great importance to employment and reemployment work. Especially since the 16th CPC National Congress, the employment and reemployment in our country has made new progress. The total employment volume has been steadily increasing. The employment situation has remained basically stable. The employed population have benefited greatly and the positive interaction between economic development and employment expansion has been achieved. The 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has made arrangements for the implementation of the development strategy of expanding employment and promoting employment as a pioneer to promote employment, pointing out the direction for further employment and reemployment. The Employment Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China, which came into force on January 1, 2008, provides a powerful legal guarantee for promoting employment. This issue reflects the efforts of the financial departments at all levels to place employment in a more important position and actively implement the fiscal and tax policies to promote employment so as to finally achieve the goal of “adequate social employment”.
一、前言 He-Ne激光器由三个重要部分组成:一个封装激光物质(He、Ne气体)的放电毛细管,它是产生激光的心脏;激励电源为获得激光提供能源;由反射镜和稳定的机械支架组成的谐
多数的学生家长认为,只有当孩子的成绩差得没有普通高中可上时,才选择职业高中或职业中专。由此可想而知,进入 Most parents of students believe that vocational high sch
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现代营销,不是一场体育比赛,非要和对手分出胜负,更不是一场战争,非要将一方的胜利建立在另一方的失败基础之上。 现代市场的成功竞争,已不是以牺牲对方或自身企业的利益,而导致的