近日,西安市公安局经侦支队成功破获一起特大高考诈骗案。受骗学生共计82名,遍及全国15个省、市,涉案金额高达300余万元。全案共抓获犯罪嫌疑人7人,其中逮捕5人。面对此案,办案干警和招生考试部门负责人感慨万千。“我们每年都要向社会广泛宣传‘分够了谁都不用找,分不够找谁都没用’,可依然有家长轻信骗子的话而上当。”陕西省教育厅副厅长、省招办主任李谦说。层层设局,以假乱真诱使家长上当 26岁的史利鹏家住西安市,长期从事民办高校招生代理工作。为获取非法利益,史利鹏打起了诈骗高考落榜生的主
Recently, the Xi’an Public Security Bureau Economic Investigation Detachment successfully cracked a large college entrance exam fraud. A total of 82 cheated students, all over the country 15 provinces, municipalities, the amount involved up to 300 million. The case arrested a total of 7 suspects, of which 5 were arrested. Faced with this case, police investigators and recruiting exam department heads filled with emotion. “Every year we have to promote a wide range of social ’enough for everyone who do not have to find enough points to find no use’, there may still be parents believe in fraud words.” Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education, deputy director of the provincial Director Li Qian said. Laying layers of offices to induce parents to deceive really fool 26-year-old Shi Lipeng who lives in Xi’an, has long been engaged in private college enrollment agency. In order to obtain illegal profits, Schiphol played the master who scammed college entrance exams