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目前,在我国有来自多方面的机构执行着工程建设的质量控制工作,主要包括政府的各级质量监督站,工程监理以及设计施工企业的质量部门等。质量监督站是受政府委托的质量监督执法机构,主要任务是依据国家法律、行政规章和技术标准监督、抽查工程实体质量和参与工程建设的建设(开发)、勘察、设计、施工、监理各方责任主体的质量行为,监督工程竣工验收等。工程建设监理单位是受业主的委托,对项目进行全面的控制,其中质量控制是非常重要的部分,质量控制是监理工程师的主要工作内容,他代表业主的利益,对项目作全过程的监控,按照合同规定的有关条款,在项目实施的过程中,对每道工序进行跟踪旁站式的质量监督,最终实现业主确定的质量目标。施工企业的质量控制叫质量管理,是以承包人的利益为出发点进行的质量控制,他的目的是以最小的费用,在要求的时间内得到符合合同质量要求的产品。业主和设计人员也参与项目的质量控制。但,各个部门在进行质量管理中所起的作用是不同的。1、政府监督是建设工程质量的有力保证 At present, there are agencies in our country that carry out the quality control of engineering construction, including the quality supervision stations at all levels of the government, project supervision and the quality departments of design and construction enterprises. Quality Supervision Station is the government commissioned by the quality supervision and law enforcement agencies, the main task is based on national laws and administrative regulations and technical standards supervision, spot checks the quality of engineering entities and participate in the construction (development), survey, design, construction, supervision of all parties Responsibility of the main body of the quality of behavior, supervision and completion of project acceptance. Engineering supervision unit is commissioned by the owners, the project to conduct a comprehensive control, of which quality control is a very important part of the quality control is the supervision engineer’s main content, he represents the interests of the owners, the project for the whole process of monitoring, In accordance with the relevant provisions of the contract, in the process of project implementation, tracking every step of the next step quality supervision, and ultimately achieve the owners set the quality objectives. The quality control of a construction enterprise is called quality control and quality control is based on the contractor’s interest. His aim is to get the products meeting the quality requirements of the contract within the required time and with minimum cost. Owners and designers are also involved in project quality control. However, the role played by each department in carrying out quality control is different. 1, the government supervision is a powerful guarantee of construction quality
秋风从原野上吹过,稠李叶子黄了,红了,它们一片片飘落下来,仿佛寄往远方的书简。  福孩子站在收割完毕的稻田边,等待朋友朱雀来和他相会。为了这次珍贵的会面,他穿上了最喜欢的红袄绿裤,还有朱红的靴子。  “嘀哩哩……”朱雀优美的歌声穿越重重山川,飞到了福孩子耳边。福孩子“咯咯”笑出了声。他说:“我等你好久啦。”  朱雀飞临福孩子身边。他是原野的守护神,有着尖纤的小嘴、细巧的爪子,是鸟儿的模样。  “秋
经国务院原则同意,建设部于3月29日,对《福建省城镇体系规则(2001—2010年)》作出如下批复: 一、原则同意《规划》确定的全省城镇发展方针和战略。在《规划》实施过程中,要
北京奥组委食品专家、中国绿色食品协会副会长蔡同一先生随着一座座别具特色的奥运场馆的竣工和各项工作有条不紊的实施,2008北京奥运这场“盛宴”即将拉开帷幕。 Mr. Cai T