Association of Phytate Formation with Grain Filling in Rice

来源 :Rice Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangli7313981
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The grain-filling characteristics of six rice varieties (combinations) and the relationships between their relative biochemistry composition during phytate synthesizing and grain plumpness were studied. Regarding results for ISHR1, ISHR2, R198 and JW21, with good grain plumpness, the two-step-filling in superior spikelets and inferior spikelets was not clear, while for ISHR3 and 559, with poor grain plumpness, it was very clear. From booting stage to flowering stage, the contents of phytate and inositol in varieties with good grain plumpness was obviously higher than those in varieties with poor grain plumpness. While at grain filling stage, the content of inorganic phosphorus in varieties with poor grain plumpness was obviously higher than that in varieties with good grain plumpness. The contents of phytate and inositol from booting stage to flowering stage was highly significantly correlated with the initial filling power (R_0), the mean filling rate (R_M) and grain filling percentage (P_(GF)), and the content of inorganic phosphorus at grain filling stage was negatively significantly correlated with R_0, F_M and P_(GF). Furthermore, effective approach to improving grain filling was put forward. The results of ISHR1, ISHR2, R198 and JW21, with good grain plumpness, the two-step- filling in superior spikelets and inferior spikelets was not clear, while for ISHR3 and 559, with poor grain plumpness, it was very clear. From booting stage to flowering stage, the contents of phytate and inositol in varieties with good grain plumpness was obviously higher than those in varieties with poor grain plumpness. While at grain filling stage, the content of inorganic phosphorus in varieties with poor grain plumpness was obviously higher than that in varieties with good grain plumpness. The contents of phytate and inositol from booting stage to flowering stage was highly significant correlated with the initial filling power (R_0), the mean filling rate (R_M) and grain filling percentag e (P_ (GF)), and the content of inorganic phosphorus at grain filling stage was negatively significantly correlated with R_0, F_M and P_ (GF).
教学内容:四年级下册第23页例4。  教学过程:(课前)播放上海世博会闭幕式。  一、创设情景,复习铺垫  去年9月份,老师有幸参观了上海世博园中的部分场馆,让教师印象最深的是企业片区的石油馆,亚洲区的中国馆和沙特馆,还有欧洲区的德国馆。(课件依次出现这4个场馆,接着再与刚才课件中出现的世博文化中心连线成下图)  仔细观察:  (1) 石油馆在世博文化中心的( )方向。  (2) 德国馆在世博文化
教学内容:四年级下册第80-81页的内容。  教学过程:  一、 联系生活,情境导入  1.情境引入。出示小兔和小猴围篱笆的动画情境,猜猜看:哪种方法更牢固?为什么?  我们已经认识一些四边形,那么三角形有哪些特性呢?今天我们一起来研究。板书课题:三角形的特性  2.寻找生活中的三角形。说一说:生活中哪些物体上有三角形?  欣赏:楼房建筑框架和角铁架的三角形、铁桥上的三角形、北京鸟巢上的三角形、交
教学内容:四年级下册第82页例3。  教学过程:  一、 创设情境,导入新课  课件出示例3图:小明每天上学有三条路,走哪条路最近呢?  为什么走中间这条路最近,今天我们就通过实验操作,用三角形的有关知识来解释其中的奥秘。板书课题(略)。  【设计意图】通过学生熟悉的生活情境引入课题,激发学生对于三角形三边关系的初步思考,体会数学知识与实际生活的密切联系。  二、 动手实践,探究新知  1.实验一
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教学内容:四年级下册第90、91页例6、例7。  教学过程:  一、情境引入 揭示目标  课件出示一幅拼组图形(配上轻音乐),请同学们仔细观察这幅图,看一看这幅图有什么特别的地方?你们想设计出一幅更好看的图形吗?这节课咱们就研究图形的拼组,充分发挥你们自己的聪明才智,拼出各种漂亮的图形。  [设计意图]通过美丽的图案去吸引学生,让学生进入新课的学习,同时通过对图案的观察,让学生发现数学图形的美,进