为进一步加强科技宣传工作,创造良好的科技舆论环境,强化各级领导干部和广大群众的科技意识,更好地为“科教兴聊”战略服务,聊城地区科委制定下发了《关于进一步加强科技宣传工作的意见》。 科技宣传的主要内容是: 一、党和国家的科技工作方针、政策;“科学技术是第一生产力”的科学论断;科技体制改革的重大举措和成功经验;研究和开发工作中的新思路、新动向、新技术、新成果;搜集、引进、介绍各种科技信息;宣传优秀科技工
In order to further strengthen science and technology publicity work, create a favorable environment for science and technology media, reinforce the scientific and technological awareness of leading cadres at various levels and the general public and better serve the strategic cooperation of “rejuvenating education through science and education,” Liaocheng Prefecture Science and Technology Commission formulated and issued the “ Opinions on science and technology publicity. ” The main contents of scientific and technological propaganda are: First, the scientific and technological work guidelines and policies of the Party and the country; the scientific conclusion that “science and technology are primary productive forces”; major measures and successful experiences in scientific and technological structural reform; new ideas in research and development work, New trends, new technologies, new achievements; collect, introduce, introduce a variety of scientific and technological information; promote outstanding science and technology workers