Motion Planning Based Coordinated Control for Hydraulic Excavators

来源 :Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gpi678c
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Hydraulic excavator is one type of the most widely applied construction equipment for various applications mainly because of its versatility and mobility.Among the tasks performed by a hydraulic excavator, repeatable level digging or flat surface finishing may take a large percentage.Using automated functions to perform such repeatable and tedious jobs will not only greatly increase the overall productivity but more importantly also improve the operation safety.For the purpose of investigating the technology without loss of generality, this research is conducted to create a coordinate control method for the boom, arm and bucket cylinders on a hydraulic excavator to perform accurate and effective works.On the basis of the kinematic analysis of the excavator linkage system, the tip trajectory of the end-effector can be determined in terms of three hydraulic cylinders coordinated motion with a visualized method.The coordination of those hydraulic cylinders is realized by controlling three electro-hydraulic proportional valves coordinately.Therefore, the complex control algorithm of a hydraulic excavator can be simplified into coordinated motion control of three individual systems.This coordinate control algorithm was validated on a wheeled hydraulic excavator, and the validation results indicated that this developed control method could satisfactorily accomplish the auto-digging function for level digging or flat surface finishing. Hydraulic excavator is one type of the most widely applied construction equipment for various applications mainly because of versatility and mobility. Among the tasks performed by a hydraulic excavator, repeatable level digging or flat surface finishing may take a large percentage. Use automated functions to perform such repeatable and tedious jobs will not only greatly enhance the overall productivity but more importantly also improve the operation safety. For the purpose of investigating the technology without loss of generality, this research is conducted to create a coordinate control method for the boom, arm and bucket cylinders on a hydraulic excavator to perform accurate and effective works. On the basis of the kinematic analysis of the excavator linkage system, the tip trajectory of the end-effector can be determined in terms of three hydraulic cylinders coordinated motion with a visualized method. The coordination of those hydraulic cylinders is realized by controlling three electro-hydraulic proportional valves coordinately.Therefore, the complex control algorithm of a hydraulic excavator can be simplified into coordinated motion control of three individual systems. This coordinate control algorithm was validated on a wheeled hydraulic excavator, and the validation results indicated that this developed control method could satisfactorily accomplish the auto-digging function for level digging or flat surface finishing.
文 [1 ]给出了“空间数”的定义 ,即体积、表面积和总棱长三者全相等或有两者相等的那个数 ,设长方体高为 x ,宽为 y,长为 z,且x≤ y≤ z,x,y,z∈ N* ,则体积  V =xyz,表面
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