提出一种借助于在热电冷却器热端引入微尺度冷却,以提高其制冷性能参数的新方法,并建立了相应的理论模型来刻画该过程,并在此基础上对各类有助于提高制冷性能的潜在途径进行了参数化研究.结果表明,热电臂中存在一个最佳冷却长度,可在其冷热端实现最大的温度差.讨论了将该方法在低温环境及其他几类特殊场合的应用,并分析了加工该结构的相关问题.与通过改进材料来提高制冷性能的方法相比,该方法可在材料性能已趋极限时,提供一种新的物理途径用以强化热电冷却元件制冷性能.“,”A new method was proposed to maximize the effective figure of thermoelectric cooling device (TECD) through introducing micro scale cooling at its hot end. A theoretical model was established to characterize such operational behaviors. Parametric studies were performed to test the effects of using various possible ways to improve the cooling capability. The results show that there exists an optimum cooling length for the TECD to realize a maximum temperature difference between its hot and cold legs. Implementations of the present method to the low temperature environment and several other specific situations were discussed. Some issues related to the fabrication of the structure were analyzed. Compared with the strategy of improving Z through innovating the material properties, this approach provides a new physical way of enhancing the cooling efficiency of the thermoelectric cooling element, when the material reached its limit.