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  1. To mean ______ something and ______ something actually are two different things.
  A. to do, to do
  B. doing, doing
  C. to do, doing
  D. doing, to do
  2. After describing the planned improvements, she went on ______ how much they would cost.
  A. to explain
  B. explaining
  C. to be explaining
  D. having explained
  3. I’ll have to change my clothes before I go out—I don’t want ______like this.
  A. to see
  B. to be seeing
  C. to be seen
  D. being seen
  4. David is said ______ in computers there, but I don’t know how his business is going on.
  A. to have dealt
  B. to deal
  C. to be dealing
  D. being dealt
  5. ______ out more about our products, fill in the form and send it to us at the address ______ below.
  A. Finding, giving
  B. To find, given
  C. Finding, given
  D. To find, giving
  6. I arrived at the shop ______ I’d left all my money at home.
  A. only to find B. only finding
  C. only found D. only having found
  7. ______ matters worse, he refused to apologize.
  A. MakingB. To make
  C. To be makingD. Make
  8.—Don’t spill any of that paint, will you? —I’ll try ______ .
  A. not toB. not to do
  C. not do itD. do not do
  9. When you’re learning to drive,______ a good teacher makes a big difference.
  A. have B. having
  C. and have D. and having
  10. ______ knowledge is one thing but ______ able to communicate it to others is another thing.
  A. Have, beB. Having, being
  C. Have, being D. Having, to be
  11. Imagine ______ the answer to such an easy question!
  A. not to knowB. not knowing
  C. don’t knowD. knowing not
  12. She didn’t want to ______ a secretary all her life, so she went back to college.
  A. go on beingB. go on to be
  C. go to be D. go being
  13. We should have insisted ______ his calculations, but it’s easy to be wise after the event.
  A. checking B. to check
  C. on checkingD. in checking
  14. After being ill I didn’t feel like ______ but I managed ______ something down.
  A. eating, to forceB. to eat, to force
  C. eating, forcingD. to eat, forcing
  15. Anyone ______ bags, boxes, or whatever, was stopped by the police.
  A. seen carry B. seen carryingC. saw to carryD. saw carrying
  16. When he became famous, he often had people ______ him in the street and ______ for his autograph(簽名).
  A. stopping, askingB. to stop, ask
  C. stopping, to askD. to stop, asking
  17. ______a hotel, we looked for somewhere to have dinner.
  A. FindingB. To find C. Having found D. To have found
  18. A man rushed past and jogged her elbow,______ the bag.
  A. making her dropB. to make her dropped
  C. making her droppingD. to make her dropping
  19. ______ bitten twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog up.
  A. BeingB. To be C. Having beenD. Have been
  20. “We can’t go out in this weather,” said Bob, out of the window.
  A. lookedB. lookingC. to lookD. having looked
  21. She read the letter through before sending it,______ for spelling mistakes.
  A. checkedB. to be checking C. checking D. having checked
  22. My father scolded me,______that he had told me to review my lessons and I shouldn’t idle my time away like that.
  A. sayingB. said
  C. to say D. having said
  23. ______ the rope with one hand, he stretched out the other to the boy in the water.
  A. Holding B. Held
  C. To holdD. To be holding
  24. She couldn’t make herself ______ above the noise of the traffic.
  A. hearing B. to hearC. hear D. heard
  25. Passengers are requested to remain ______ until the aircraft comes to a complete stop.
  A. seatingB. seated C. to seatD. being seated
  1—5 AACCB6—10 ABABB11—15 BACAB
  16—20 ACACB21—25 CAADB(编辑 周贞雄)
意大利语,是以佛罗伦萨为中心的托斯卡纳地区方言口音为标准。Firenze,在古托斯卡纳语——就是但丁写《神曲》所用的语言中,意为“鲜花之城”。这个精致美丽的名字倒也实事求是:阳光下的蓝天白云,与色彩鲜艳的墙壁、深绿色的百叶窗、深红色的屋顶,正是佛罗伦萨的日常色彩。  佛罗伦萨是文艺复兴的发祥地、西方世界重要的精神故乡,如果想找一家深谙文艺之髓的下榻处,去共和广场上的萨沃伊酒店(Hotel Savo
《考试大纲》规定要“理解与现代汉语不同的句式和用法”,能力层级为B级。文言文句式主要放在文言文翻译、古诗文阅读理解中进行动态考查,也以选择题的形式单独命题,如判断句式的异同、判断省略成分的正误等。常见的文言句式主要有以下几种:判断句、否定句、倒装句、省略句、疑问句、被动句及一些固定句式。    一、判断句式    文言判断句一般是以名词或名词性短语直接充当谓语而进行判断,常见句式有如下几种:  1
拍摄人:李睿  拍摄地点:北京,故宫 拍摄时间: 8月9日  INFO:尼康D800,F/8,2.5s,ISO 100  晴朗的夏日清早,太阳入射角度还比较低,正好可以穿透万春亭的窗棂,投射到亭内。再加上几百年历史的万春亭最不缺的就是大量积攒的灰尘,因此,五道阳光清晰可见。这个场景只能持续几分钟,光线便偏移了藻井的中心。
什么是考试焦虑    每到高考邻近的日子,因为考试压力而咨询的高三同学日渐增多。一个高三女孩在信中说:“面对一次次考试,压力很大,觉得特别累。我平时学习挺用功,可最近面临毕业前的考试,心里越来越紧张。直到现在,一看到试卷,眼前就一片漆黑,即使做过的题也忘了。等考试结束,走出考场,又全都记起来了,结果丢了不少分,就更怕考试了。眼看就要高考了,我该怎么办?……”  女孩描述了考试焦虑的典型表现。面对考
2018年9月7—9日,第三届中国国际房车旅游大会在唐山紫天鹅国际房车露营公园举行,来自全国各地的六百多名车友在唐山全域展开了一次观光体验之旅。  大会的举办地紫天鹅国际房车露营公园,被中国汽车工业协会房车委员会授予房车示范营地。露营公园位于唐山南湖生态区,有按照国际露营水电标准建造的全新的房车营地,有风格独特的木屋别墅,有丰富的绿植和水系,有为广大车友提供多种旅居方式的选择。本次大会共有260辆
学会一句多译是有效运用英语的一种很好的手段。因为无论是口语表达,还是书面写作,恰当地选择词语和灵活多样的句子结构都是显示你英语实力的重要佐证。本文为同学们归纳了具有代表性的15个一句多译的例子,供同学们参考使用。  1. 请代我问候你的父母。  Please give my regards / love to your parents.  = Please say hello to your pa
“我想前往春光明媚的奈良观赏盛开的梫木花,可是万没想到途中取道木曾路时,竟遇上了暴风雪。”  我从小旅店拿了几张彩色明信片,一边在明信片上写着遇雪情况,不时透过车窗向木曾山的深向斜谷望去,风雪遮天盖地地扑向沟谷。  阳春三月,竟下起这么大的暴风雪,真是冻煞人。而且车厢内只寥寥几人,除我们之外,有一对同我们一起从木曾站上车的商人模样的夫妇,似乎是到哪儿去洗温泉,再就是穿厚大氅的男子了。不过,车过上松
连词 while 是高考英语的一个命题热点(每年必考),你知道其考点主要涉及哪些方面吗?  一、考查表示时间的用法,其意为“当……的时候”。如:  We must strike while the iron is hot. 我们要趁热打铁。   Stand still while I take your photograph. 我给你拍照时站着不要动。  Have we got enough bo
『两个人从假三层爬上屋顶,瓦片温热,眼中是半个卢湾区,前面香山路,东面复兴公园。东面偏北,有祖父独幢洋房一角。西面,皋兰路小东正教堂,打雷闪电阶段,阴森可惧,太阳底下,比较养眼。蓓蒂拉紧阿宝,小身体靠紧,头发飞舞。东南风一劲,黄浦江的船鸣,圆号宽广的嗡嗡声,抚慰少年人胸怀。』——金宇澄《繁花》  上海以『洋气』著称,这种见过世面的洋气,具体而微地散落在『上只角』的老洋房中间。它们是金宇澄的《繁花》
马鞍底乡位于云南红河金平苗族瑶族傣族自治县,靠近中越边境线,有着与世隔绝般的原始风貌。2017年初夏,我们在这里遇到了一次大规模的蝴蝶盛会。“蝴蝶会”在云南消失了?  云南风景如画、植物茂盛,蝴蝶的种类众多。三百多年前,大旅行家徐霞客就描述过大理蝴蝶泉边“蝴蝶会”的情景:“……山麓有树大合抱,倚崖而耸立,下有泉,东向漱根窍而出,清洌可鉴。稍东,其下又有一小树,仍有一小泉,亦漱根而出,二泉汇为方丈之