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加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设是一项重大而紧迫的战略任务。《中共中央国务院关于进一步加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设的若干意见》(以下简称《若干意见》)的颁布十分及时,指导性强,深得民心,意义深远,是深入贯彻落实党的十六大精神,全面提高青少年思想道德素质的一项重大举措,充分体现了以胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央对未成年人思想道德建设工作的高度重视和亲切关怀。《若干意见》最鲜明的特点是强调落实,最大的特色是把未成年人思想道德教育的职能分解到各有关部门,使全社会广泛配合、齐抓共管。教育部部长周济日前就贯彻落实《若干意见》接受记者专访时,毫不讳言以往德育工作存在的不足,他强调:“要扭转这种现象,我们要抓住机遇大力推进德育工作,切实把德育做到学生心里去,因为他们是教育的主体。” To strengthen and improve the ideological and moral building of minors is a major and urgent strategic task. The promulgation of the “Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Further Strengthening and Improving Ideological and Moral Construction of Minors” (hereinafter referred to as “Several Opinions”) was timely, well-instructed, popular and far-reaching. It is an in-depth implementation of the 10th The six major spirits and comprehensively raising the moral and ideological qualities of young people in an all-round way. This fully shows that the party Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as general secretary places great importance and cordial consideration on the ideological and ethical work for minors. The most distinctive feature of the “Several Opinions” is its emphasis on implementation. The most prominent feature of this “several opinions” is to decompose the ministry’s ideological and moral education functions into all relevant departments so that the entire society will extensively cooperate and make concerted efforts. In an interview with reporters on a number of issues recently, Minister of Education Zhou Ji said that without any denying the existing problems in moral education, he emphasized: “To reverse this phenomenon, we must seize the opportunity to vigorously promote moral education so as to effectively Moral education is done in the heart of students, because they are the main body of education. ”
构筑终身教育体系,创建学习型社会。 ——2001年5月15日,江泽民同志在APEC人力资源能力建设高峰会议上发表了“教育是人力资源能力建设的基础,学习是提高人的能力的基本途径
在近两年的学校管理实践中我们感到,开展专题研究活动是促进学科组发展的有效载体,也是校长实施教学管理的有力抓手。下面以我校数学学科组的建设为例,谈谈我们在这方面的做法与体会。  2005年5月,北京宣武区在全市率先做出中小学教师全员分期带薪脱产培训的决定。4年来,我校小学部有13名骨干教师先后参加了这一培训。这些教师在培训中亲自经历了研究的过程,学习了研究的方法,感受到了研究的乐趣。我们充分利用这一