围绕着神州5号的发射,人们不断地质询,除了政治意义,航天技术还能带给我们什么?当人们思考其经济价值时,美国显然是最佳的先例,一个将航天技术成功民用的典范.事实上,据美国空间政策中心预测,到2010年,不含商业卫星,美国的空间商业化收益就可达6,000-10,000亿美元,而仅空间制药就将收入270亿美元. 作为航天技术应用的重要方面,航天生物得到市场人士、科研专家、教育学者的关注.那么,中国的航天生物产业化到底进展如何?记者走访了中国空间技术研究院以及东方红航天生物公司的负责人.“,”Making use of the microorganism carried by the airship of shenzhou-1, Beijing Dawn Aerospace Biotech Ltd has made “setatin” series products, which are effective to prevent cardiovascular disease and the first kind of medicine applied to China's space technology. After two years of time, Dawn at last realized tiny profit. The vice president Dong Hui thought that during the process of industrialization of aerospace biology, Dawn was the first to finish a “complete procedure”, which means an industry chain of R&D, production, marketing and re-R&D. The participation of commercial enterprises such as Dawn Aerospace has perfected the tache of production and marketing in the middle of the chain. Therefore, the potential power of China' aerospace biology begun to be released gradually.