对激素不敏感的原发性肾病综合征联合免疫抑制剂治疗过程中引起的骨髓抑制、白细胞减少临床已有很多报道,但对其中出现骨髓异常增生改变的报告则甚少。现对我院1例慢性肾炎肾病型患者,在激素联合硫唑嘌呤治疗过程中,出现骨髓异常增生的改变,报道如下。临床资料患者,男,56岁,1996年12月因“乏力,伴泡沫尿、颜面部浮肿”来我院诊治。查尿蛋白定量3 500mg/24h,血总胆固醇5.1mmol/L,甘油三脂1.3mmol/L,血浆白蛋白15g/L。在排除了继发性肾小球疾病后,拟“慢性肾炎肾病型”予以强的松50mg/d 治疗,1月后复查尿蛋白定量9350mg/24h,考虑对激素不敏感,即加用硫
There are many clinical reports on the hormone-induced nephrotic syndrome combined with immunosuppressive therapy for myelosuppression and leukopenia. However, there are few reports on the changes of bone marrow dysplasia. Now in our hospital 1 cases of chronic nephritis nephropathy patients, hormone therapy in combination with azathioprine, bone marrow dysplasia, reported as follows. Clinical data Patients, male, 56 years old, December 1996 due to “fatigue, with foam urine, facial swelling ” to our hospital for diagnosis and treatment. Check urine protein 3 500mg / 24h, blood total cholesterol 5.1mmol / L, triglyceride 1.3mmol / L, plasma albumin 15g / L. In the exclusion of secondary glomerular disease, to be “chronic nephritis kidney disease ” to be prednisone 50mg / d treatment, January review of urine protein 9350mg / 24h, consider the hormone is not sensitive, that is, with sulfur