人教版高中数学第二册(上)第119页有这样一道题: 过抛物线y~2=2px的焦点的一条直线和此抛物线相交,两个交点的纵坐标分别为y1,y2,求证:y1·y2=-p~2. 现对这个问题进行推广,得到抛物线的一条新性质.
PEP High School Mathematics Book 2 (on) p. 119 There is such a question: A line passing the focus of the parabola y~2=2px intersects this parabola. The ordinates of the two intersections are y1, y2, respectively. Y1·y2=-p~2. Now we generalize this problem and get a new property of parabola.