“铁道游击队”的原型是鲁南铁道大队。它的抗日英雄事迹通过小说、电影、电视连续剧和连环画等形式的文艺作品的传播,已达到举国上下家喻户晓、妇孺皆知的程度。 “铁道游击队”初建时隶属于八路军115师苏鲁支队,后归鲁南军区建制。它从正式创建到番号撤销,在津浦铁路鲁南段和临(城)枣(庄)支线上,运用机动灵活的战略战术,顽强地同日本侵略者战斗达7年之久,经历数百次惊险战斗,歼灭和瓦解了大批的日伪军,缴获了大批军用物资和获取大量的敌军情报,有力
The prototype of “Railway Guerrillas” is the Lunan Railway Brigade. Its anti-Japanese heroic deeds have reached the level of well-known and well-known women throughout the country through the dissemination of literary and artistic works in the form of novels, films, TV series and comic strips. The “railway guerrillas” were initially built under the command of the Sulu detachment of 115 divisions of the Eighth Route Army and later returned to the Lunar military establishment. It was withdrawn from the official establishment to the emperor. On the extension of Lunan section and Linzhu section of Jinpu Railway, the PLA used the flexible tactics and tactics to fight the Japanese aggressors for up to seven years and experienced hundreds of Thrilling battle, annihilating and disintegrating a large number of Japanese and puppet troops, seizing a large amount of military supplies and acquiring a large amount of enemy intelligence,