7月6日早晨,我们四年级一百多个小学生排着整齐的队伍,来到丽阳门广场参加“千校万生消防安全大行动”活动。在举行了简单的开幕式后,我们手拿小旗上街宣传,顿时,响亮的口号声此起彼伏 “火警电活 119!” “预防为主,防消结合!” “小孩勿玩火,玩火闯大祸!” “……” 同学们手举小旗,整齐地走在中山街上。这时天飘来了毛毛细雨,接着就是倾盆大雨,我们每个人从头到脚都湿透了,手中的小旗也被雨打落了。有的同学抱怨说:“这鬼天气,下的真不是时候。”我对大家说:“今天的
On the morning of July 6, more than 100 primary school students in the fourth grade lined up neatly and came to the Liyangmen Square to attend the “1000 School Wansheng Fire Safety Campaign”. After holding a simple opening ceremony, we took the flag to the streets in publicity. Suddenly, loud slogans came one after another, “Fire Alarm 119!” “Preventive, Anti-combination!” “Do not play with fire, play with fire Break into disaster! ”“ ... ... ”The students held the flag, walk neatly in Zhongshan Street. At this time the sky drizzled drizzle, followed by a torrential downpour, and each one of us was soaked from head to toe, the flag of the hand was knocked down by the rain. Some students complained: “This ghost weather, the next really is not the time.” I said to everyone: "Today’s