Application of multi-outputs LSSVR by PSO to the aero-engine model

来源 :系统工程与电子技术:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:glosslee
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This article deals with two important issues in digital filter implementation:roundoff noise and limit cycles. A novel class of robust state-space realizations,
Based on a Hill equation and a nonlinear equation describing the desired and real dynamics of relative motion separately, a predictive controller is brought for
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目的探讨妇科腹腔镜手术二氧化碳人工气腹对肾功能的影响。方法择期行妇科腹腔镜患者60例,美国麻醉师协会(American Society of Anesthesiologists,ASA)评分ⅠⅡ级,体重指数<30