A novel near-infrared tunable laser crystal of Cr4 +: Ca2GeO4 was grown by flux method using CaCl2 as a flux, and its crystal structure was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), laser Raman spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy The results show that the obtained crystal is a low temperature γ-Cr4 +: Ca2GeO4 single crystal with monoclinic forsterite structure with the lattice parameters of a = 5.3209 (1 = 0.1nm), b = 6.6648, c = 11.2606 .Raman spectroscopy confirmed the presence of germanate ions in the crystals and their vibrational assignments. XPS analysis indicated that Cr contained in the crystals existed in the form of Cr4 + and did not contain Cr ions in other valence states.