早在孩提时代,我就非常敬仰鲁迅先生。那时候,我还不能深刻地理解鲁迅先生作品的深刻含义,但是,先生的伟大的人品,渊博的学识,特别是他对孩子们深沉的爱,曾深深地感动了我。记得我刚上中学的时侯,妈妈给我买过一本很好看的日记本,我恭恭敬敬地在心爱的日记本扉页上写下了鲁迅先生的两句诗: 横眉冷对千夫指, 俯首甘为孺子牛。后来,我又把鲁迅先生这两句诗写在条幅上,挂在墙上,它成了我生活学习的座右铭。特别是当我成为一名教师和少年儿童读物的编辑的时候,我对鲁迅先生甘为“孺子牛”的精神,体会尤为深切。一九三三年,鲁迅在一篇题为《上海的儿童》的文章中,一针见血地指出那些忽视儿童教育的人,是“只顾现在,不想将来“。一九三四年,鲁
As early as I was a child, I very much respected Mr. Lu Xun. At that time, I could not deeply understand the profound meaning of Mr. Lu Xun’s works. However, the great character and profound knowledge of the gentleman, especially his deep love for the children, deeply touched me. I remember when I first went to middle school, my mother bought me a very nice diary book. I respectfully wrote two poems by Mr. Lu Xun on the diary page of my beloved book: Obediently resigned as a scorpion cow. Later, I wrote Mr. Lu Xun’s two poems on banners and hung on the wall. It became the motto of my life. Especially when I became an editor of a teacher and a children’s book, I was particularly impressed by Mr. Lu Xun’s spirit of being a “rabbit cow.” In 1933, Lu Xun’s article entitled “Children in Shanghai” pointed out sharply that those who neglected children’s education were “only for the present and not for the future”. In 1934, Lu