Pedagogical Justification for a Writing Class Lesson Plan

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This is the pedagogical justification of a 100-minute lesson plan for the writing class targeted at the intermediate level students. It gives detailed explanation of the theoretical guidelines underlying the designing of the lesson plan. It analyzes how the process genre approach(Badger & White, 2000) is applied and how the process of drafting, peer-conferencing, redrafting,peer-editing, writing final draft and publishing is manifested in each step; it also shows how the“principles of teaching writing”(Peter Teo, 2005) is used in designing each step, which include be skill-specific, motivate interest, activate schema, promote collaboration, integrate other skills and provide modeling. Besides these, it puts forward other points that teachers need to pay attention to when carrying out this lesson plan. The lesson plan itself is attached in Appendix A together with the pictures used attached as Appendix B, C and D. The focus of this lesson plan is on the teaching of the organization of stories, which is one of the series of lesson plans focusing on the teaching of organization. The technique used here is picture sequencing. The major resources are six jumbled pictures. By putting these jumbled pictures into an appropriate order, students will be able to understand the organization of stories; by writing out the story, students will be able to understand how to make a story coherent by using transitional words and phrases. The whole lesson plan consists of five steps: lead-in, pair work, explanation, presentation, and assignment. This is the pedagogical justification of a 100-minute lesson plan for the writing class targeted at the intermediate level students. It gives a detailed explanation of the theoretical guidelines underlying the designing of the lesson plan. It analyzes how the the process genre approach (Badger & White , 2000) is applied and how the process of drafting, peer-conferencing, redrafting, peer-editing, writing final draft and publishing is manifested in each step; it also shows how the “principles of teaching writing” (Peter Teo, 2005) is used in designing each step, which include be skill-specific, motivate interest, activate schema, promote collaboration, integrate other skills and provide modeling. this lesson plan. The lesson plan itself is attached in Appendix A together with the pictures attached attached as Appendix B, C and D. The focus of this lesson plan is on the teaching of the organization of stories, which is one of the series of lesson plans focusing on the teaching of organization. The technique used here is picture sequencing. The major resources are six jumbled pictures. By putting these jumbled pictures into an appropriate order, students will be able to understand the organization of stories; by writing out the story, students will be able to understand how to make a story coherent by using transitional words and phrases. The whole lesson plan consists of five steps: lead-in, pair work, explanation, presentation, and assignment.
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摘 要:本文结合教学案例“按劳分配为主体,多种分配方式并存”一课,谈了对教学情境的创设的认识与感悟。论文分为两部分:一是情境再现;二是教学感悟:创设“少而精”的教学情境,培养学生探究知识的深度和广度,提升教师对动态生成资源的重新创设,增强学生自主学习与合作探究能力。  关键词:课堂教学 创设情境 少而精 教学感悟  中图分类号:G633.2 文献标识码:A文章编号:1673-1875(2009)2
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中图分类号:G633.41 文献标识码:A文章编号:1673-1875(2009)24-135-01     合作学习是以课堂上师生合作为主的一种教学方法,它以全员互动为基本动力,以小组活动为基本教学形式,以团体成绩为评价标准,以全面提高学生的学业成绩和形成良好的心理品质为根本目标,是一种高效、愉快的教学活动。  经过几年的初中英语课堂实践,笔者在教学中深深体会到:实施合作学习首先应创建有效的合作
摘 要:兴趣是学生学好数学最持久,最强大的动力。本人从多年的教学实践中总结摸索出培养学生学习数学兴趣的几种方法,愿与同行共勉。  关键词:数学 美 设疑 教学效果  中图分类号:G633.6 文献标识码:A文章编号:1673-1875(2009)24-136-01     学习兴趣是学生学好各门功课的关键。对数学知识的内容和对数学思维方法的兴趣越厚,学习数学的积极性就保持得越长久。数学教学实践证明