六月初,头戴钢盔、手持冲锋枪的广铁公安巡逻队开驻广州火车站。他们每组四人分班镇守、24小时处于待命状态,专事广场巡逻。这是广州市政府动真格的整顿广州火车站的措施之一。自持枪军警进驻以来,这个号称是“全国最乱的地方之一”的广州火车站尚未发生过一起抢劫案。而这次整顿,很大程度上是起因于《南方都市报》上刊登的一封信: 揭发火车站黑幕南方都市报编辑部: 整顿火车站大快人心。首先要整公安内部。当班的民警向队长交钱买好岗位。如果让民警当便衣每月可收到炒票人的钱8
In early June, the Guangzhou Railway Public Security Patrol, armed with a helmet and holding an assault rifle, was stationed in Guangzhou Railway Station. Four of them in each group guard duty, 24 hours on standby, specializes in patrols Square. This is one of the measures taken by the Guangzhou municipal government to rectify the Guangzhou Railway Station. Since the armed police stationed in the city, the so-called “one of the most chaotic places in the country” has not yet happened with a robbery at the Guangzhou Railway Station. And this rectification, largely due to a “Southern Metropolis Daily” published a letter: exposing the shady railway station Southern Metropolis Daily editorial: rectification of the general public happy railway station. First of all, the whole public security. Police on duty pay the captain to buy a good job. If you allow civilian police when the plainclothes can receive monthly money 8