Intracranial hemorrhage is still a common disease in the neonatal period, immature children are particularly common, mainly due to birth trauma or hypoxia. Clinically asphyxia and central nervous system excitation or inhibition appear as the main feature. Survivors often leave cerebral palsy, mental retardation or epilepsy and other sequelae, so neonatal intracranial hemorrhage prevention and emergency care are increasingly concerned. First, the etiology (a) injury intracranial hemorrhage due to injury caused by intracranial vascular rupture and bleeding, the site often in the brain at the top of the dural or tentorium. (B) hypoxia intracranial hemorrhage for any reason any cause fetal hypoxia can cause neonatal intracranial hemorrhage. In the absence of oxygen, the permeability of the vascular wall increases, extravasation of blood caused by bleeding, but often not associated with rupture of blood vessels, this bleeding is mostly punctate bleeding. Bleeding site often in the ventricular tube