The method of electrolysis with the drop mercury electrode was successful in 1922 and the first polarometer was made in 1924. For the first time in the 1925 science journal, a polarogram that has become familiar to everyone now appears. However, it was not until the late 1930s that polarographic methods were widely used in analytical chemistry. Now published polarographic method research literature has more than eight thousand. Before describing the achievements of polarography, we must first of all correctly define the concept of “polarography.” The author’s opinion is that polarography is a science that has been used to study the processes carried out on mercury electrodes that are renewed on the surface. It investigates not only the current-voltage curve but also the other current-voltage curves such as single mercury drop, “potential-time” curve, electrocapillaries and electrolyte swing. In addition to the polarography, polarographic instruments used include microscopes, chord ammeter and cathode ray oscilloscope. Micro-mercury drop by