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今年2月,中国记协主办的全国报纸经营管理干部进修班学员结业,撰写了一批论文,对报纸的经营管理问题进行了有益的探讨。这里摘发湖北日报宋庆华论文的一部分,标题是编者另拟的。——编者 In February this year, the Chinese Association of Journalists organized by the national newspaper management cadres training students graduated, wrote a number of papers on newspaper management issues are discussed. Here excerpt part of the Hubei Daily Song Qinghua thesis, the title is another editor. --editor
一、结论二次函数y=ax2+bx+c(a≠0),若有a<O,a+c >b,则有b2-4ac>0.如果该结论恒成立,那么此条件也是一元二次方程ax2+bx+c=0(a≠O)是否有两个不相等的实根的充分条件.二、结论证
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