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为提高草鱼抗病害能力,并维持良好的水体环境,在中山市东升镇北洋水产养殖场选用12口池塘开展注射草鱼细菌性烂鳃、肠炎、赤皮三联灭活疫苗与病毒性出血病冻干疫苗相混合的四联苗,并联用有益微生物的示范性试验。结果显示,注射四联疫苗后草鱼的抗体效价在D7时即可检测到,D30时达最高值,D90时仍维持该水平;注射四联疫苗组草鱼的免疫原性比空白对照组提高,平均成活率提高29.7%(P<0.01),平均免疫保护率为90.9%;使用有益微生物在改良水质、优化养殖环境方面作用显著,可提高草鱼平均存活率7.9%(P<0.05);疫苗与有益微生物制剂联用组草鱼的平均成活率提高31.7%(P<0.01),获得免疫保护率达96.6%;四联苗组、有益微生物组、四联苗与有益微生物联用组的日增重、净增重、增重率、特定生长率均比对照组提高,饵料系数降低,3个试验组草鱼的收益比对照组分别增加875、1854、2255元(P<0.05)。上述试验结果证明,草鱼四联疫苗与有益微生物联用的养殖效果最佳,既可增强鱼体抗病害能力,提高存活率,促进生长,又可改善养殖水体环境,具有良好的协同效益,极具推广应用价值。 In order to improve the ability of disease resistance of grass carp and to maintain a good water environment, 12 ponds were selected in Bei Yang Aquaculture Farm, Dongsheng Town, Zhongshan City to carry out bacterial gill rot infection of grass carp, enteritis and erythrocyte triple inactivated vaccine and freeze-dried with viral hemorrhagic disease Vaccine mixed quadruple vaccine, parallel with beneficial microorganisms in an exemplary experiment. The results showed that the antibody titer of grass carp was detectable at D7, highest at D30, and maintained at D90. The immunogenicity of grass carp was higher than that of blank control group, The average survival rate increased by 29.7% (P <0.01), and the average immune protection rate was 90.9%. The beneficial microorganisms played a significant role in improving the water quality and optimizing the culture environment, and the average survival rate of grass carp increased by 7.9% (P <0.05) The average survival rate of grass carp increased by 31.7% (P <0.01) with the combination of beneficial microbes and the rate of 96.6% was achieved. The daily gain of quadruplex group, beneficial microbes, quadruplets and beneficial microbes (P <0.05). The net gain, weight gain, and specific growth rate of the grass carp were all higher than those of the control group, and the feed conversion coefficient decreased. The income of grass carp increased by 875,1854,2255 yuan (P <0.05) compared with the control group. The above test results show that grass carp quadruple vaccine and beneficial microorganisms combined breeding the best, can enhance the fish disease resistance, improve survival, promote growth, but also improve the aquaculture water environment, with good synergies, the pole With the promotion of application value.
解脲脲原体(Ureaplasma urealyticum,UU)属于条件致病微生物,可从精子生成、精子形态和活力、免疫性不育、附属性腺功能、脂类代谢等方面影响男性生育功能。UU根据分子生物学
本实验探讨了骤降、缓降两种不同降温模式下低温胁迫对乌鳢(Channa argus)、斑鳢(Channa maculata)及其杂种斑乌鳢(C.maculata♀×C.argus♂)、乌斑鳢(C.argus♀×C.maculata
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生物信息学技术通过综合利用生物学、计算机科学和信息技术揭示大量而复杂生物数据所富有的生物学奥秘。IgA肾病(IgA nephropathy,IgAN)是一组多病因引起的,具有相同免疫病理