AAA authentication for network mobility

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:demon3214
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Network mobility(NEMO) is a protocol proposed for the mobility management of a whole network.It offers seamless Internet connectivity to the mobile end users.However,the NEMO protocol has not been widely used in Internet,because it has not considered the secure problem about authentication and authorization.The proposed framework designed an access control scheme especially used for the NEMO network environment.It is based on the authentication,authorization,and accounting(AAA) system.It can make use of the mobile router to authenticate for all the mobile nodes at the same time,and uses the mobile network node(MNN)-list synchronization mechanism to control the secure access of the MNN.By using the foreign AAA server cache mechanism,this scheme can decrease the authentication time delay and improve the efficiency of the network.The advantages are proved by the comparison with other recent related studies via the OPNET simulations. Network mobility (NEMO) is a protocol proposed for the mobility management of a whole network. It offers seamless Internet connectivity to the mobile end users. However, the NEMO protocol has not been widely used in Internet, because it has not considered the secure problem about authentication and authorization. The proposed framework designed an access control scheme especially used for the NEMO network environment. It is based on the authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) system. It can make use of the mobile router to authenticate for all the mobile nodes at the same time, and uses the mobile network node (MNN) -list synchronization mechanism to control the secure access of the MNN.By using the foreign AAA server cache mechanism, this scheme can decrease the authentication time delay and improve the efficiency of the network. advantages are proven by the comparison with other recent related studies via the OPNET simulations.
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