我所从1975年起开始进行甘兰型油菜自交不亲和系的选育和利用的研究,经过三年努力,选育成功了9个稳定性较好、亲和指数在0.1以下,株型、熟期各具特色的自交不亲和系。并初步测配出了一些优势很好的组合,为进一步开展杂交油菜的生产试验、示范和推广准备了必要的条件。现将这一阶段的情况报导如下: 一、甘兰型油菜自交不亲和系的选育油菜自交不亲和系的选育,是通过选择一种具有自花授粉不亲和(即表现为不结实或结实极少)的特殊遗传型的油菜单株,经过多代单株选择后,其自交和兄妹交亲和指数均稳定
Since 1975, we started to study the breeding and utilization of self-incompatible lines of Brassica napus. After three years of hard work, we succeeded in selecting 9 strains with good stability and affinity index below 0.1. Type, mature during the unique self-incompatibility. The results showed that there were some good combinations in the preliminary test, and the necessary conditions were prepared for further testing, demonstration and promotion of hybrid rape production. Now report the situation at this stage are as follows: First, the Brassica napus self-incompatibility breeding rapeseed self-incompatibility breeding, is selected by a self-pollinating incompatibility (ie Performance is not strong or very few) of the specific genetic type of oilseed rape plants, after many generations of single plant selection, their inbred and sibling cross compatibility index were stable