Apical-dominant particle swarm optimization

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fangfei123456
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Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a new stochastic population-based search methodology by simulating the animal social behaviors such as birds flocking and fish schooling.Many improvements have been proposed within the framework of this biological assumption. However,in this paper,the search pattern of PSO is used to model the branch growth process of natural plants.It provides a different poten- tial manner from artificial plant.To illustrate the effectiveness of this new model,apical dominance phenomenon is introduced to construct a ncvel variant by emphasizing the influence of the phototaxis.In this improvement,the population is divided into three different kinds of buds associated with their performances.Furthermore,a mutation strategy is applied to enhance the ability escaping from a local optimum.Sim- ulation results demonstrate good performance of the new method when solving high-dimensional multi-modal problems. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a new stochastic population-based search methodology by simulating the animal social behaviors such as birds flocking and fish schooling. Many improvements have been proposed within the framework of this biological assumption. However, in this paper, the search pattern of PSO is used to model the branch growth process of natural plants. It provides a different potency of artificial plants. To illustrate the effectiveness of this new model, apical dominance phenomenon is introduced to construct a ncvel variant by emphasizing the influence of the phototaxis.In this improvement, the population is divided into three different kinds of buds associated with their performances.Furthermore, a mutation strategy is applied to enhance the ability escaping from a local optimum.Simulation results demonstrate good performance of the new method when solving high-dimensional multi-modal problems.
一、农村学校现状  龙安区是典型的农村学校多大区,目前我们辖区的教育现状更是出现教师工作热情不高、教师评价方式单一陈旧、教师参加教研活动积极性不高等问题。下面我就了解的现状作简要叙述,并就教育教育管理方面提出针对性的相关对策。  (一)教师工作热情不高  众所周知,现代化建设的关键在教育,教育的关键又在教师,而教师的积极性则是关键。现阶段农村学校教师的教学热情、工作积极性、主动向不高,主要原因是收
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摘 要:学生是教学的主体,教师是教学的主导。语文课堂教学如何发挥教师的主导作用,本文论述了用精心预设和宽厚包容构建精彩语文课堂的方法。  关键词:语文课堂 教师主导 构建精彩  “动态生成”的观点认为:新型的师生关系不再是传统的讲授与听讲、主动与被动的关系,课堂上师生互动,相互砥砺与启迪,共同研究与成长;学生是主角,老师是导演,师生共同演绎丰富多彩、鲜活生动的成长活劇。很显然,构建一个五彩斑斓、生
摘 要:沟通是一种艺术,也是一种有效的教育方式。作为教师,该怎样引导师生之间的沟通,用什么方式沟通?是教师在教学过程中首先要考虑的。  关键词:教师 学生 沟通  霍姆林斯基说过:“如果学生不愿意把自己的欢乐和痛苦告诉老师,不愿意与老师开诚相见,那么谈论任何教育总归都是可笑的,任何教育都是不可能有的。”  由此可见,沟通是一种艺术,也是一种有效的教育方式。作为教师,该怎样引导师生之间的沟通,用什么