盼完了五一小!长!假!我们还有青年节,母亲节,端午节可以期待,虽然没有假期与之相配,但它的确让普通的一天有了些仪式感,去感谢想感谢的人,去呆在想陪伴的人身边,打包份小礼物,或者一起吃一顿饭,或者对饮一壶黄酒怀念一个人,节日不多,且过且珍惜。劳动节International Workers’Day每天的八小时工作时长仍然觉不够睡剧不够追?但这是十九世纪美国工人们上街游行示威甚至有人付出生命才从十六小时争取到八小时,这就是五一国际劳动节的由来。从此工人阶级有了自己的话语权,在服装风格上,工装,牛仔等元素,也一直是经典款出现在每一季的秀场里。
We hope for the Youth Day, Mother’s Day and the Dragon Boat Festival. Although there is no holiday to match, it does make some sense of ceremony on an ordinary day, thanks to those who want to thank , To stay in the company of people who want to accompany, pack a small gift, or eat a meal, or miss a pot of yellow wine, a small holiday, and cherish. Labor Day International Workers’Day Eight hours a day is still not enough to sleep enough to chase the pursuit of work But this is the nineteenth century American workers to the streets and demonstrations and even some people had to fight for life from 16 hours to eight hours, which is five The origin of a International Labor Day. Since then the working class has its own voice, in the clothing style, tooling, jeans and other elements, has also been a classic appeared in each season’s show floor.