
来源 :语文教学与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kayak6789
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语文是什么?叶圣陶先生说过:“语就是口头语言,文就是书面语言。把口头语言和书面语言连在一起说,就叫语文。”①语文教学。主要是语言教学。语文教学的任务,是指导学生掌握语文这个工具。掌握语文工具的能力只有通过多种途径的反复训练才能获得,本文所要探讨的就是如何培养学生的语言理解能力。即如何通过训练使学生读懂课文的语言。 一、要使学生读懂课文的语言,首先必须加强读的训练。学习语文,学习一篇课文,首先是读。不管是默读还是朗读,是速读还是慢读,是粗读还是精读,总之是先要读。可以说,没有读就没有语文学习。但是,当前中学语文教学上的弊病之一恰恰就是让学生 What is language? Mr. Ye Shengtao said: “Language is spoken language, and essay is written language. Putting spoken language and written language together is called language.” 1 Language teaching. It is mainly language teaching. The task of language teaching is to guide students in mastering the language. The ability to master language tools can only be obtained through repeated training in multiple ways. What we are going to discuss in this paper is how to develop students’ language comprehension skills. That is, how to train students to understand the language of the text. First, to enable students to understand the language of the text, first of all must strengthen the training of reading. Learn Chinese and learn a lesson. First of all, read it. Whether reading silently or reading aloud, whether it is speed reading or slow reading, whether it is rough reading or intensive reading, it is necessary to read it first. It can be said that there is no language learning without reading. However, one of the disadvantages of current Chinese language teaching in middle schools is precisely for students.
一、问候价reet角95)1一He且o,Lucy.H0wareyou? 一.And you?A .Fine,thanks B.Yes,IamC .Glad torneetyouD‘肠od afternoon2‘一一‘ 一Fine,thank”u,andyou?A·Coodmornin
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