
来源 :世界文学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Hamihami
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《加拿大英语文学介绍》(An Introduction To English Ca-nadian Literature)一文,是作者山姆·索莱基(Sara Solecki)应我刊编者之约,专门为《世界文学》的读者写的。文章较全面地论述了加拿大英语文学的发展情况,对现、当代加拿大英语文学的思潮与代表人物、代表作品及其主题、题材,艺术特色,都作了概括、精辟的介绍。文章对我们了解加拿大的英语文学,无疑是一个很好的指南。作者出生于加拿大一个波兰移民的家庭,目前大约四十岁,是多伦多大学英语系副教授,又是加拿大最有影响的文学月刊《加拿大论坛》(Canadian Tribune)的主编。索莱基思想活跃,在课堂里讲授马克思主义文艺理论,他的文艺评论文章散见加拿大各报刊。——编者 The An Introduction to English Ca-nadian Literature, by the author Sara Solecki, was written by my editor in chief, specifically for readers of “World Literature.” The article comprehensively expounds the development of Canadian English literature and gives a general introduction and brilliant introduction to the trend of thought, representative figures, representative works, the themes, the themes and the artistic features of Canadian and Canadian contemporary English literature. The article is a good guide for us to understand Canadian English literature. Born in Canada as a Polish immigrant family, currently around 40, is an associate professor of English at the University of Toronto and editor-in-chief of the Canadian Tribune, Canada’s most influential monthly literature magazine. Solecki thought active in teaching Marxist theory of literature and art, his literary criticism articles scattered in Canada newspapers. --editor
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