Politeness in Language

来源 :校园英语·上旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iamformywish
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  Language, as one of the most influential aspect for manifesting the uniqueness of human beings, enables people to produce and receive information. This paper has been divided into three parts. It starts by identifying the term of intercultural communication, and then introduces politeness theory and face strategies. Finally, it ends by demonstrating the significance of the theory concerned with learning intercultural communication.
  2. Background to Intercultural Communication and Definition of the Term
  Intercultural communication concerns with actual examples of communication between individuals from different backgrounds. There is an example in terms of intercultural communication. The researcher Bailey (2000) used four hours of video recordings and interview responses to analyze the ways in which Korean immigrant shopkeepers in Los Angeles with African-American customers. What is noteworthy is that the complex communication appears the clash of styles.
  3. Politeness
  Recently, there is a growing number of studies have refined or challenged the notions of politeness. Many studies appear to distinguish ‘common-sense politeness’ which is related to good manners and courtesy, from ‘linguistic politeness’ which is used to describe how interlocutors deal with the problems of face in interaction.
  With regard to ‘linguistic politeness’, Brown and Levinson (1987) state three facets of interpersonal scenes are generally associated with politeness: (a) the relative power of the speaker over the addressee; (b) the distance between two participants; (c) the weight of imposition, which is related to what one really wants and how essential it is. These three aspects are in agreement with those of Scollon and Scollon (2001), which constitute a politeness system.
  4. Face
  The formal notion of face is generally believed to have derived from China. A Chinese anthropologist Hu first introduced this term in 1944, despite the fact that the concept had been used in English for at least several centuries before that. Many works written by the American sociologist Erving Goffman also depended on ‘interpersonal relationships on the concept of face’ (Scollon and Scollon, 2001) so that provided a large number of data for the investigation of sociolinguistics.
  The politeness theory (also known as ‘strategies of face’) proposed by Brown
【摘要】在现阶段的高中英语阅读课堂教学中,多数教师依旧使用传统的教学方式,使课堂教学的效率较低。所以,引进小组合作学习模式十分必要。基于此,本文分析了高中英语阅读课堂教学的现状,阐述了阅读目标的呈现、组织小组讨论、重难点的集中讲授、多角度的教学评价这些高中英语阅读课堂教学中小组合作学习模式的实施策略。  【关键词】高中英语;阅读教学;小组合作学习  【作者简介】方智贤(1992.05-),女,汉族
【摘要】奥斯卡金像奖(Academy Awards)是全世界最具影响力的電影奖项。本文从本届奥斯卡颁奖典礼中选取了观众笑声最为热烈的几处作为研究对象,从合作原则出发对主持词中蕴含的幽默进行分析。  【关键词】合作原则;礼貌原则;言语幽默;奥斯卡  【作者简介】张婧(1993-),女,四川内江人,北京工业大学外国语学院硕士研究生,研究方向:外国语言学及应用语言学;李丽华,北京工业大学外国语学院。  
【摘要】如今身份构建在众多学术领域都成为热门话题,很多语言学家也发展和完善了关于身份构建的研究。本文阐述身份构建相关理论,以中国网球运动员李娜自传《独自上场》为例揭示自传语体下作者身份构建的过程以及她构建出的三种新一代中国女性运动员身份,希望改变传统观念的偏见,并以此号召广大社会成员对这一弱势群体给予更多关注,使社会发展更加公平和谐。  【关键词】身份构建 自传 女性运动员  语言学家认为在日常的
【摘要】伴随新课改的不断深入,学生思维能力的培育和提升愈发受到各界的关注,构建起一套有助于强化学生思维能力的英语课堂教学评价系统是紧要课题,本文主要从两个角度、多层次内容入手就促进学生思维能力发展的小学英语课堂教学评价加以探索,以期为全面深化对于思维能力发展视角的小学英语课堂教学评价的认识,强化学生思维能力的发展建言献策。  【关键词】思维能力;英语课堂;教学评价  【作者简介】万娴,江苏省无锡崇
【Abstract】The film Leon has been worshipped as one of the most classical and popular films, the influence of which has expanded globally and has been sustained through generations. Its gripping plot a
【摘要】思维导图是一种可视化的思维方式和学习方法,从一个中心词开始,随着思维的不断深入,联想出一系列相关的事物,然后形成一个有序的图式。词汇复习是六年级复习的重中之重,人教版 PEP 小学英语三年级到六年级教材一共有28 个单元,每一个单元都有一个独立的主题,每一个单元的单词大部分都是围绕这个主题设计的。同时小学英语课程标准对词汇教学要求其具有趣味性、灵活性、直观性、关联性特点。在课堂上利用思维导
【摘要】本文主要以初中英语阅读课教学与学科核心素养培养为重点进行阐述,结合当下初中英语阅读课程教学现状为依据,从选择新颖教学材料,培养学生核心素养和采用分层阅读形式,培养学生英语核心素养两个方面深入说明并探讨在英语阅读课教学中培养学生核心素养的有效措施,旨意在为相關研究提供参考资料。  【关键词】初中英语;阅读教学;核心素养  【作者简介】吴小清,深圳市光明中学。  在教育体制的改革背景下,教育教