最近,我们到湖北的枣阳、应城、隨州和通山等县。了解农村教育改革和教师待遇情况。所到之处,尽管经济发展水平不同,但都重视教育,尽力为教师办好事。综合起来,有以下十个方面: 1.实行山区津贴、浮动工资,稳定骨干教师。隨州市规定,对外地和隨中平原地区到山区工作的大专毕业的教师,每人每月除发山区津贴5元外,凡满15年以上教龄者,工资可向上浮动一级;对获得县以上模范教师、模范班主任、优秀管理干部称号者,可向上浮动工资一级,连续三年浮动,则变为固定工资,并向上再
Recently, we went to Zaoyang, Hubei, Yingcheng, Suizhou and Tongshan counties. Understand rural education reform and teacher treatment. Wherever they went, despite their different levels of economic development, they all attached importance to education and tried their best to make good things for teachers. Taken together, there are the following ten aspects: 1. The implementation of mountain subsidies, floating wages, stable backbone teachers. According to Suizhou regulations, teachers who graduated from other places and graduated from colleges and universities working in the Central Plains to the mountainous areas each paid a maximum of 15 years’ The above model teachers, model class director, the title of outstanding management cadres, floating upward wage level, floating for three consecutive years, then into a fixed salary, and then up again