Active Reading Strategies 积极的阅读策略

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  ◆1. Identify1 New Words 识别生词
  Most of us develop a bad habit of glossing over2 words that are vaguely3 familiar to us, often not even realizing we are doing so. When you read a difficult passage or book, take a few moments to really pay attention to difficult words. You will likely find that there are many words that you think you know—but that you can’t really explain. Once you have a list of these words, write the words and meanings in a logbook. Revisit this log several times and quiz yourself on the words.
  ◆2. Find the Main Idea 找出主旨
  As your reading level increases, the complexity of your material will likely increase as well. The main idea may no longer be provided in the first sentence; it may instead be located in the second paragraph or even the second page. Finding the main idea is crucial4 to comprehension. You’ll need to practise finding the main idea of the text or article each time you’re reading.
  ◆3. Create an Outline创建大纲
  Before you dive into reading the text of a difficult book or chapter, take some time to go through the pages for subtitles5 and other indications of the structure. If you don’t see subtitles or chapters, look for transition6 words between paragraphs. Using this information, you can create an outline of the text. Going in this way helps you understand the information you are reading.
  ◆4. Read and Write 边读边动笔
  While it is a time-consuming exercise to write out your notes, it is also a very effective one. Writing is a necessary part of active reading.
  Once you have read a few paragraphs of material, read it over and think of one keyword that represents a whole paragraph’s message. Write that keyword in the margin7.
  No matter what type of information you’re reading, learners can always create a mind map, a sketch, or a timeline to represent the information. Start by taking a clean sheet of paper. You’ll be amazed by the difference and this will make for keeping information and remembering details.   不管读的是什么类型的内容,学习者总是可以创建一个思维导图、草图,或者时间线来表示信息。你可以从一张空白的纸开始。你会惊奇地发现,这将有助于保留信息和记住细节。
  Some students use highlighter8 too much and end up with a multi-colored mess. Sometimes it’s more effective to use a pencil and sticky notes when you write. Use the pencil to underline, circle, and write meaning of words in the margins, or (if you’re using a library book) use sticky notes to mark a page and a pencil to write specific notes to yourself.
  ◆5. Read Again and Again 多读几遍
  Science tells us that we all remember more when we repeat reading. It’s good practice to read once for a basic understanding of the material, and read at least one more time to grasp9 the information more thoroughly10.
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