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分析《人民日报》(1949—2009年)中宪政概念的类型,有助于把握宪政概念在新中国的变迁过程和发展趋势。根据宪政概念所指涉的时空因素,可将《人民日报》(1949-2009年)中的宪政概念归纳为四大类型:关涉旧中国(清末、民国时期)的宪政概念;关涉中华人民共和国成立后台湾地区的宪政概念;关涉外国与国际社会的宪政概念;其他语境下的宪政概念。以宪政概念的出现次数为计量单位进行统计发现,就总体情况而言,《人民日报》在回顾旧中国历史以及报道外国相关情况时使用宪政概念的次数超过半数;从时间变化上看,宪政概念在当代中国宪政建设这一现实语境下的出现次数渐多,但出现次数依然有限;与宪法学者们普遍推崇并常常津津乐道的宪政概念不同,《人民日报》中常在负面意义上使用宪政概念,揭示出不同群体在宪政认知上的巨大反差。上述情形说明,我国宪政建设任重道远,宪政概念的主流化是一项不容忽视的基础性工作。 Analyzing the types of constitutional concepts in “People’s Daily” (1949-2009) helps to grasp the changing process and development trend of constitutional concepts in New China. The concept of constitutional government in People’s Daily (1949-2009) can be classified into four types according to the time-space factors referred to in the concept of constitutionalism: the concept of constitutional government concerning the old China (the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China); the establishment of the People’s Republic of China The concept of constitutional government in Taiwan, the concept of constitutional government in foreign countries and the international community, and the concept of constitutional government in other contexts. Statistics on the number of occurrences of the concept of constitutional government indicate that in terms of the overall situation, “People’s Daily” used more than half of the constitutional concepts when reviewing the history of the old China and reporting on foreign affairs. From a time perspective, the concept of constitutional government In the current context of constitutional government construction in China, there are more and more occurrences, but the number of appearances is still limited. Contrary to the concept of constitutionalism universally respected and often relished by constitutional scholars, People’s Daily often uses constitutionalism in a negative sense Concept, revealing the huge contrast between different groups in constitutional understanding. The above situation shows that the constitutional construction in our country has a long way to go and the mainstreaming of the concept of constitutional government is a basic work that can not be ignored.
鲁迅先生是我国20世纪伟大的文学家、思想家、革命家,他一生著述颇丰,他深邃的思想、锐利的目光,不仅直视当时社会的芸芸众生,更以他深刻的洞察力遥视当今和往后中国 Mr. Lu
小白兔搬新家了,邀请好朋友刺猬到家里来玩。  刺猬一听,很高兴,连忙问:“你家的门牌号码是多少?”  小白兔想了想,说:“你可记好了。我家的门牌号是个3位数,个位数字比十位数字大3,十位数字比百位数字大5,请你猜一猜吧!”  刺猬把小白兔的话记在纸上,笑着说:“我记下了,回家慢慢想。”  第二天,刺猬算出了门牌号码,顺利地找到了小白兔的家。  小朋友,请你想一想,小白兔家的门牌号码是多少呢?
罂粟,二年生草本植物,全株有白粉,花有红、紫、白等色,果实球形。未成熟时,果实中有白浆,是制鸦片的原料,果壳可入药,花供观赏。 Poppy, biennial herbs, whole plant with