10月23日,中国通信产业的年度盛会——第16届中国国际通信设备技术展览会在北京略有寒意的深秋如约而至。由于身处奥运会以及3G(第三代移动通讯)全面开通前夕的关键备战阶段,这届首次由每年举办一次改为两年举办一次的通信展显得意义非凡、备受关注。而“奥运”、“3G”、“应用”这三个早已被提及多次的关键词仍然是此次展会上的亮点和主角。尽管受到国际通信市场低迷、通讯技术缺乏突破、3G 发展前景不明、通信展过多、手机巨头缺席等诸多因素的影响,但此次通信展的主办方仍启用国际展览中心11个展厅和部分室外场地,展
On October 23, the annual event of China’s telecommunications industry - the 16th China International Telecommunications Equipment & Technology Exhibition ended in a slight chill in Beijing in the late autumn. Due to being in the key preparatory phase of the Olympic Games and the eve of 3G (third generation mobile communications), this session for the first time changed from a year to a two-year exhibition of communications is of great significance and concern. The three key words that have been mentioned many times, such as “Olympics”, “3G ” and “Application”, are still the highlights and protagonists of this exhibition. Despite the downturn in the international telecommunications market, the lack of breakthroughs in communications technology, the uncertain future of 3G development, the proliferation of communications and the absence of mobile phone giants, the organizer of this exhibition is still opening 11 exhibition halls and some outdoor exhibitions Venue, exhibition