Teaching TOEFL iBT in Scope of Translation Theories: “Back-Transformation” for Reading Practice

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  【Abstract】Chinese students in preparation of TOEFL iBT would adopt translation as auxiliary approach to aid comprehension, which in detail can help establish a sound sense of language in terms of syntax. The Back-Transformation Theory by Eugene Nida aims to reveal meaning behind language form by means of surface structure and deep structure, and this theory can be used to help students comprehend complicated lengthy sentences in TOEFL iBT reading and improve their language study performance.
  【Key words】TOEFL iBT Reading; Back-Transformation; Eugene Nida
  1. Specifics of TOEFL iBT Reading
  TOEFL iBT reading section includes three to four passages that aim to examine test takers’ reading comprehension. As the passages are usually excerpts from college textbooks to illustrate concepts in a certain academic discipline, this section requires test takers to possess a strong comprehension ability to deal with classifications, comparison and contrast, cause and effect, and solutions to a problem. The TOEFL Reading passages include exposition, argumentation and history. For each passage, there are possibly eight types of questions, in which the type 7, as officially called Sentence Simplification Questions, challenges most test takers for its complicated sentence structures and logical relations within clauses. It requires the reader to clarify firstry the structure and secondly the logical connection, and then compare the meaning and logic of a highlighted sentence with that in given options, which means this single one question asks the reader to process five lengthy sentences altogether. Even besides type 7 questions, there are also numerous lengthy sentences that require a sound set of grammatical skills and prepared vocabularies to process them into every detail for best comprehension. Below is a lengthy sentence example:
  Fuller devised a type of dance that focused on the shifting play of lights and colors on the voluminous skirts or draperies she wore, which she kept in constant motion principally through movements of her arms, sometimes extended with wands concealed under her costumes (ETS, 2017:336).
  To explicitly understand this sample sentence, readers should be able to precisely break it down to pieces till the structure of main clause, map out the syntactic hierarchy, and clarify the function of each part, each level.
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【摘 要】教学内容分析的基本点通常有内容的现实与文化背景、表征方式、探索路径等,通过对教材内容的多角度分析,可以设计出自然地发现与提出问题、自然地发现解决问题思路的思维过程,从而进一步启迪我们设计出符合数学本质和认知规律的教学过程。  【关键词】教材分析;教学设计;问题情境;数学审美  【中图分类号】G633.6 【文献标志码】A 【文章编号】1005-6009(2021)20-0029-04  
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【摘要】初中英语学习过程中掌握有效的于都方法对学生来说具有非常重要的作用。在初中英语教学课堂中,思维导图学习方式能够促进学生对英语课文的理解和掌握,发散学生的思维和想象力,因此英语教师在教学活动中应当充分利用思维导图,培养学生的英语阅读能力和水平。  【关键词】思维导图;阅读水平;思维能力;学习方式;英语理解  【作者简介】王大友,福建省浦城县教师进修学校。  一、思维导图的含义  思维导图又被人
最近,公司对PCD的稿费发放流程做了很大的调整,编辑部必须首先对每篇稿件进行分类和等级评定,然后制定稿费标准。这样的改变可苦了我们的编务MM,每一期都要对大量的稿件进行统计和整理,想想就让人头大。但是,聪明的编务MM却只用了一点小手段,就将这个难题迎刃而解。神奇的电子表格  这一天,编务MM在编辑部的00群共享中,放入了一个名为“2007稿费登记表”的Excel文档。众编辑将文档下载下来一看,哇噻
【摘 要】面对新时期中国基础教育深刻变革的特殊国情,积极开展班级劳动教育,有助于推动优秀班集体的创建,夯实劳动教育的实践基础,提升时代新人的关键能力,并进一步提振中国基础教育发展的文化自信。  【关键词】班级生活;劳动教育;优秀班集体创建;班主任  【中图分类号】G41 【文献标志码】A 【文章编号】1005-6009(2021)15-0041-04  【作者简介】张聪,东北师范大学(长春,130
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