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  Fijian species planted seeds to grow food three million years before humans. Ants collect and plant seeds, and even protect them from being eaten. The insects will also fertilise1 the seedlings2 to help them grow. Ants eat the fruit of the adult plant and harvest seeds for further farming. Unique symbiotic3 relationship benefits both the ants and the plant.
  Humans began farming around 12,000 years ago, and only in the past 50 years have scientists realised we’re not the only species to study agriculture.
  New research has revealed that a humble Fijian ant species beat us to becoming the first farmers by almost three million years.
  The ants have been observed carefully sowing seeds, fertilising them, and waiting for them to grow into plants which bear tasty fruit.
  What caused the formation of this relationship remains a mystery to scientists. But it puts the ants millions of years ahead of the first human societies to use farming techniques.
  The newly discovered relationship, stumbled upon4 by scientists at the University of Munich, is unique to the animal kingdom.
  “The story is unique,” Dr Brian Fisher, entomologist5-in-residence at the California Academy of Sciences, told NPR.
  “We already have ants that disperse6 seeds, and have ants that feed plants, but we’ve never had a case where they farm a plant they can’t live without.”
  The ants rely on the plant for shelter and food, while the plants need the ants to sow and spread their seeds.
  Squamellaria7 plants are epiphytes8, meaning they grow on other plants.
  Worker ants of the Fijian species Philidris nagasau9 ferry seeds from the fully-grown plants to nearby trees.
  They pick tree species with soft bark, or that produce nectar10, to plant the seeds—giving the plants the best possible chance of growing.
  Once a plot has been selected, the ants then monitor the planted seeds, protecting them from hungry herbivores11.
  As the plants grow under the ants’ supervision, they begin to develop empty chambers called domatia12 at the base of their stems.
  The ants fertilise the plants to inspire further growth.
  Once the plant is big enough, its hollow domatia provide shelter for the ants.
  It had previously been spotted that the ants like to reside in these small chambers, but the Munich researchers have uncovered the true nature of the relationship—that the ants sow and nurture the plants to grow themselves a new home.   The ants will eat the fruit of the Squamellaria plant and harvest their seeds for further farming projects.
  While many other examples of mutually bene-ficial or “symbiotic” relationships between ants and plants exist, the discovery marks the only case in which both parties are totally dependent on each other for survival.
摘 要:与一般性的授课相比,试卷评析课更多地承担了帮助学生缕清思绪、解释规律、强化能力、升华技能的责任与重担,因此,在评析课中,教师应当避免就题论题、以题评题等泛泛而谈或是狭隘的评析. 而是应当抓住共性问题,突出重点难点,通过统计知识要点,明确考点所在、查找出错原因,攻克学习软肋、自我审视总结,扫清学习障碍、针对重点难点,加强习题操练、回顾试卷内容,深化考场技巧这五个方面来进行评析教学,以帮助学生
摘 要:合情推理和演绎推理是两种基本的逻辑推理,是进行数学发现、数学建构的常用推理方式.在数学教学中,合理地使用这两种推理方式,将有效地促进学生思维品质的提升. 本文以《任意角》为例,谈教学中如何坚持演绎推理与合情推理并重.  关键词:任意角;演绎推理;合情推理;初高中衔接  新课程教材将合情推理和演绎推理列为必学内容,它有利于在知识传授的同时渗透方法论的教育,有利于帮助学生掌握科学的学习方法.
受中国数学会委托,2008年全国高中数学联合竞赛由本刊主办单位之一重庆市数学学会承办.现面向广大数学工作者征集2008年全国高中数学联赛候选试题,请大力协助命制优秀试题.    一、命题原则    贯彻“在普及基础上提高”的原则,要有利于促进中学数学教学改革,推进素质教育,提高学生学习数学的兴趣;有利于发现人才,培养人才;有利于参加国际数学竞赛队员的选拔工作.    二、对候选试题的具体要求   
A psychologist1 walked around a room while teaching stress management to an audience. As she raised a glass of water, everyone expected they’d be asked the “half empty or half full” question. Instead,
摘 要:数学教学应力求自然,返璞归真. 教师要树立“教会学生思考”的教学观,以生为本,以学定教,突出学生的主体性;创设探究的平台,激发学生的学习热情;依据教材,灵活施教,让学生经历和体验知识的形成过程,体会蕴涵其中的思想方法,形成良好的思维习惯,进而学会学习,学会创造.  关键词:自然;教学;设计;主体;体验  波利亚曾言:“数学是一所合情合理的学校”;人教A版教科书主编寄语中说道:“数学是自然的
摘 要:合作交流是将学生引向积极学习、深度学习、独立学习境界的一个重要立足点. 有效合作交流的前提是个体先学形成自己的认识,合作交流的方式包括生生交流、师生交流、生本交流、自我交流等.  关键词:合作交流;少教多学;数学教学  “少教多学”是指本着充分发挥学生自己的学习潜能,变原来的“知识被嵌入学生”为“知识被学生积极内化”的教学,在这一过程中,教师要通过“少教”将学习变成发自学生内心的活动,将学
Step 3  Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示填写单词,完成句子。  1. It’s impolite to jump the q______.  2. I don’t know w______ bike this is. It has been there for several days.  3. It’s very hard to p______ everyone.  4. I like che
摘要:本人以2015年重庆市高考文科第14题为素材,首先分析了此题的考查目标、试题特点和破题思路,并在破题思路的基础上从8个方面探究了该题的具体解法.然后从教材、高考试题和模拟试题等角度对该题的母题进行了溯源,最后小结了自己探究该题的几点感悟.  关键词:解题;探源;悟道  真题再现  设a,b>0,a b=5,则√a 1 √b 3的最大值为____.  试题特点与破题思路略析  此题是求双根式和
[摘 要] 助学案是教师根据课程标准和教材以及学生的认知水平、知识能力设计编写的,以帮助学生通过自主学习掌握基础知识、构建知识体系的学习方案,助学案是学生自主学习、高效学习的“导航仪”.  [关键词] 高中数学;助学案;编写  随着课堂改革的不断推进,以狭隘的应试教育为目的的“传授—接受”式课堂正逐步被能使学生知识、能力、人格和谐发展的“助学式”课堂替代. “助学式”课堂是以学生的自主学习为核心的
I remember her hair, bushy and brown, framing her face, high-lighting her bright eyes. I gazed at her, brow furrowed1 as I struggled to understand why my dad was lying to me.  我记得她的头发,是浓密的棕色,笼着她的脸,突显出