患者男,56岁。因面部、颈部及手背反复红斑、丘疹及斑块伴瘙痒2年余于2015年11月20日就诊。患者2年余前无明显诱因面部、颈部及手背皮肤出现红斑、丘疹及斑块,自觉瘙痒,搔抓后渗出,曾在外院就诊,予静脉滴注葡萄糖酸钙及维生素C(具体剂量不详),口服氯雷他定(10 mg,每日1次)及外用卤米松乳膏治疗,病情稍好转,但仍反复发作,逐渐发展至躯干及四肢,瘙痒明显。患者于9年前确诊为HIV携带者,确诊后一直在传染病医院定期诊疗,目前口服齐多夫
Male patient, 56 years old. Repeated erythema, papules and pruritus due to facial, neck and back of the hand 2 years of treatment on November 20, 2015. Patients with no obvious cause more than 2 years ago erythema, papules and plaques appeared on the face, neck and back of hand, itching, scratching and exudation, had seen in the hospital, intravenous infusion of calcium gluconate and vitamin C (specific dose Unknown), oral loratadine (10 mg, once daily) and topical haloxins cream treatment, slightly improved condition, but still recurrent, gradually developed to the trunk and limbs, itching was obvious. The patient was diagnosed as an HIV carrier 9 years ago and has been regularly diagnosed and treated in an infectious disease hospital since her diagnosis.