近年以来,关于北方渤海、契丹、女真、满的货币均有论文发表,唯独关于高丽的钱币却始终未见有文章专门论述。为补此缺,试将涉猎史籍所得,略论于下: 一、高丽有前后之别史书中常见高丽之名,上起公元6世纪,下至14世纪,前后凡八百年。但史籍中的前,后高丽,性质却有很大区别。前高丽,原称高句丽,始见史载于公元前2世纪,至公元6世纪始改称高丽。高句丽本为我国东北地区的一个古代民族,最初居住在今辽宁省新宾县一带。公元前2世纪,汉武帝时曾因之而设高句骊县,隶玄菟郡,汉封其酋长为高句丽王,王莽
In recent years, papers on the northern Bohai Sea, Khitan, Jurchen, and Manchurian have been published. Only the article on Goryeo has never been published. In order to make up for this deficiency, the test will be related to the historical records, a brief discussion on the following: First, the history of Korea before and after the other historical books common Korea’s name, starting from the 6th century AD, down to the 14th century, before and after where eight hundred years. However, before and after the historical records Korea, the nature is very different. Former Koryo, formerly known as Goguryeo, began to see the history contained in the 2nd century BC, to the 6th century AD was renamed Korea. Goguryeo was an ancient nation in northeast China and originally lived in Xinbin County, Liaoning Province. In the 2nd century BC, Han Emperor Wu was set up as Gaogou County because of it,