近年来,报刊摘转稿件中出现一些值得注意的问题,如有的报刊不讲政治和社会效益,追求卖点,摘编一些格调低俗、色情暴力内容,或宣扬封建愚昧,甚至政治上出现严重问题;有的报刊随意摘编稿件,不核对事实,以讹传讹,实际上对虚假报道起了扩散传播作用。这些都给社会带来消极影响。为了加强对报刊摘转稿件的管理,进一步规范报刊出版秩序,现做如下通知: 一、报刊摘转稿件必须牢牢把握政治舆论导向,严格遵守新闻出版管理法规和党的宣传纪律,对所摘转的内容要把好政治关。不得摘转有悻于党和国家方针政策的稿件。刊载涉及国
In recent years, there are some noteworthy issues appearing in the excerpted papers. For example, some newspapers do not talk about political and social benefits, pursue selling points, extract vulgar or pornographic violence, or promote feudal ignorance or even serious political problems. Some newspapers and magazines are free to extract manuscripts, do not check the facts, and disprove the fact that they actually spread and spread false reports. All of these have a negative impact on society. In order to strengthen the management of manuscripts excerpts and further regulate the order of newspapers and periodicals, we hereby give the following notice: I. Manuscripts must be firmly grasped by political media and strictly follow the press and publication laws and regulations and the propaganda discipline of the party. Turn the content should be a good political clearance. No excerpts from the articles that are in line with the party’s and state guidelines and policies can not be diverted. Released countries