
来源 :思想政治工作研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hellomfc
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江泽民总书记在视察大庆油田时,充分肯定了石油战线的思想政治工作,高度赞扬了大庆“爱国、创业、求实、奉献”的精神,号召全国各行各业都要学习大庆精神。他指出,大庆油田学习解放军的传统,创造了一整套思想政治工作经验,在新的历史时期又有了新的发展。我们在实现四化的过程中,特别需要发扬大庆精神。江总书记的讲话,为我们石油战线加强思想政治工作指出了明确的方向。石油战线历来有注重思想政治工作的好传统。即使在前一时期,有些单位由于党的领导被“淡化”,思想政治工作受到严重了一些影响,但整个战线仍然坚持发挥党组织的政治核心作用,思想政治工作没有放松。政工部门没有削弱。正是这样,石油战线在改革开放中坚 When inspecting Daqing Oilfield, General Secretary Jiang Zemin fully affirmed the ideological and political work of the oil front and highly praised the spirit of “patriotism, entrepreneurship, truth-seeking and dedication” in Daqing and called on all walks of life in the country to study the spirit of Daqing. He pointed out that Daqing Oilfield learned the PLA’s tradition and created a whole set of ideological and political work experience and has made new progress in the new historical period. In the process of realizing the four modernizations, we must especially carry forward the spirit of Daqing. General Secretary Jiang’s speech pointed out a clear direction for strengthening our ideological and political work on the oil front. The oil front has always had a good tradition of focusing ideological and political work. Even in the previous period, some units were “diluted” by party leadership and their ideological and political work was severely affected. However, the entire front maintained the political core of the party organization and did not relax the ideological and political work. Political department has not weakened. In this way, the oil front is firmly established in the reform and opening up
本文介绍用无色孔雀绿琼脂片和H_2O_2琼脂片重合法进行血痕预试验,此法特异性优于联苯胺法,而且使用方便,效果好。 This article describes the use of colorless malachite
一、弹性碰撞  弹性碰撞也称完全弹性碰撞,碰撞时产生弹性形变,贮存弹性势能,碰撞后形变完全恢复,贮存的弹性势能再度释放出来. 碰撞后总动量、总动能都等于碰撞前的总动量、总动能. 常见的弹性球、光滑的钢球及分子、原子等微观粒子的碰撞都是弹性碰撞. 系统相互作用中,如果特别说明了没有能量损失,也遵循完全弹性碰撞的规律.  若两球发生完全弹性碰撞,设质量分别为[m1、m2],初速度分别为[v1、v2],
随着城市化水平不断提升,给当前建筑工程施工安全提出了更高的要求和标准。需要施工单位结合建筑工程的施工特点,采取相应的安全防范措施。 With the continuous improvemen